1Christmas party brings children together

The recent 1Christmas Party at the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus attracted a large crowd.

Jan 08, 2016

By Bernard Anthony
The recent 1Christmas Party at the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus attracted a large crowd.

A hundred and forty poor Migrant children from Lembah Maju, Pudu Ulu, Miharja, and Taman Maluri were there with their parents. They were joined by 13 poor children (sponsored by  SVP), and 130 children of the parish  who came together to celebrate Christmas with joy and goodwill.

Organised by the Parish Integral  Human Development Ministry (PIHDM), the 1Christmas Working Committee members ensured all went smoothly.

Parish priest, Fr Edwin Peter welcomed the guests and said an Opening Prayer. He told the participants that just as Christ came to bring peace, we too, need to bring Jesus Christ to others.

The indoor games were coordinated by the parish youths. Many children who won in the games walked away  with attractive prizes. The youths also sang Christmas carols in English and Tamil.

The Myanmar children performed three carols in their native tongue. All the children were feted to a light lunch, cooked and prepared by the Sacred Heart Church kitchen team.

The highlight saw all the children receiving gifts with vouchers, according to age groups, and each one also received a small box of KFC.

Fr Edwin gave away 75 bags of provisions to the poor Myanmarese families.

A Clown and Santa Claus also made a brief appearance to bring additional cheer to the kids.

The PIHDM thanked all donors who had given either in cash or kind and had assisted in making this joyous event a  great success. It brought greater understanding and goodwill anong the locals and the migrants.

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