A deeper meaning on the Triduum for the Altar boys of Holy Trinity Church, Tawau

A camp was organized by the Altar Boys of the Holy Trinity Church Tawau beginning from Holy Thursday, April 17 to Easter Sunday, April 20.

May 16, 2014

By John Mu
A camp was organized by the Altar Boys of the Holy Trinity Church Tawau beginning from Holy Thursday, April 17 to Easter Sunday, April 20. The camp was the brainchild of Rev Fr Cosmas Lee, who was rector at that time, to bring together past and present members to get together and share their experiences. The camp has been held every year since 2007 and 64 altar boys participated this year.

All the altar boys were given the opportunity to understand, reflect and feel more deeply the meaning of the Easter Triduum which is the highlight of the liturgical celebration of the Church. All the members attended Masses during the Triduum.

After Holy Thursday, the participants gathered in the church canteen for a briefing and dinner before taking part in the Adoration.

On the second day, Good Friday, the day began with morning prayers and the Stations of the Cross and all were encouraged to fast. A rehearsal was held for the Good Friday service and all the altar boys participated in the Good Friday service later in the day. After dinner, a video clip entitled Son of God was shown as an activity in faith sharing. On the third day, the altar boys participated in voluntary work in the church compound to get everything ready for Mass in the evening. On the last day of the camp, all the participants gathered for Easter Sunday Mass after which they were given a farewell lunch at the canteen for the closing of the Triduum.

The camp provided new experience about service to all those who participated. All the activities will hopefully strengthen friendship among the altar boys. It is hoped that programmes such as these will encourage other youths to become altar servers.

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