Assumption leaders on a shared mission to build parish

The clergy and 45 leaders of the Church of the Assumption stepped away from the bustling city life for a weekend retreat at Fraser’s Hill.

Mar 27, 2024

By Mary Reggie
The clergy and 45 leaders of the Church of the Assumption stepped away from the bustling city life for a weekend retreat at Fraser’s Hill. They embarked on a journey of contemplation and exploration, focusing on strategic planning and organising parish activities for the year 2024.

The retreat commenced with prayer and reflection, grounding us in our shared faith and purpose. Through daily Mass, prayer, worship, and meaningful discussions following brainstorming sessions, we revisited the key areas identified in last year’s Parish Pastoral Assembly ? community building; the role of families in the life and mission of the Church; walking together with our young people, and being called to be disciples. Unity, compassion, and service were emphasised as essential elements of our Christian journey. These spiritual foundations formed the basis for our parish’s strategic roadmap.

The heart of the retreat lay in collaborative sessions where ideas flowed freely, and discussions were rich with insight. Split into focus groups, participants delved into the key areas, drawing upon diverse perspectives and experiences. Each group brainstormed innovative initiatives and practical action plans to enrich our parish life.

Under the guidance of Frs Leonard Lexson and Fr Biju Mathew Thomas, who exemplified wisdom and encouragement, ideas were nurtured and refined. Their leadership and pastoral presence fostered an atmosphere of trust and collaboration among all participants. Together, we envisioned a parish that not only meets the needs of its members but also extends its embrace to the wider community, embodying love and inclusivity.

As the retreat concluded, a sense of fulfilment and excitement permeated the air. Armed with a wealth of ideas and a renewed sense of purpose, we left the retreat energised and empowered to bring our vision to fruition. The bonds formed during those sacred days continue to fortify our parish community, a testament to the transformative power of faith and fellowship.

Our parish retreat was a testament to the beauty of prayer, reflection, and collaboration. With our priests guiding us, we charted a course rooted in faith, fuelled by love, and guided by the Holy Spirit. As we journey together, may we draw strength from our shared mission of building a parish that radiates God’s love to all who seek solace within its walls.

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