At SAC,23 youths are confirmed
Parishioners of the Church of St Anthony celebrated the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of the Lord, or Corpus Christi, on May 29 during the 9.15am Mass.
Jun 14, 2016
By Bernard Anthony
Parishioners of the Church of St Anthony celebrated the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of the Lord, or Corpus Christi, on May 29 during the 9.15am Mass. Archbishop Julian Leow was the main celebrant, with parish priest Fr James Gabriel and former parish priest Fr William Michael concelebrating.
It was also a day of rejoicing as 23 youths (from the three language groups of the parish Sunday School) were administered the Sacrament of Confirmation. The prelate told the Comfirmands that they would be empowered with the Holy Spirit, blessedwith the seven gifts of the Spirit, and become adult Catholics.
The prelate also spoke about the feast of Corpus Christi, where Catholics reaffirmed their conviction and faith that Jesus is truly present in the Holy Eucharist.
At the same Mass, Fr William read out the letter on the official appointment of Fr James as the new parish priest of the Church of St Anthony.
After Mass, all the Confirmands, together with both priests and the prelate adjourned to the front of the sanctuary for a group photo.
Parishioners were urged to continue praying for the new Confirmands, that they will continue to deepen their faith in God and serve the Church by reaching out to others with the Good News.
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