Be steadfast and committed in your faith
A total of 47 confirmands, comprising of 30 students and 17 Indonesian migrants, received the Sacrament of Confirmation at the Church of St Paul the Hermit (SPH), on Sunday, July 10.
Sep 01, 2016
By Justina Sharon
A total of 47 confirmands, comprising of 30 students and 17 Indonesian migrants, received the Sacrament of Confirmation at the Church of St Paul the Hermit (SPH), on Sunday, July 10.
For the first time, SPH received 17 Indonesian migrants for confirmation. These are adults from Bandar Seri Coalfields and Sungai Buloh. They are from Flores, Indonesia who work as construction workers and labourers.
Before Mass, a group photo was taken with the Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur, Archbishop Julian Leow, Parish Priest Fr V. A. Michael and visiting priest Fr Albet Arokiasamy.
The 4.00pm Mass was celebrated in three languages.
Archbishop Leow, in his homily, asked the faithful, “How many of you are willing to die for Christ? How many of you are ready to die now?” He continued to say that we should be ready at all times when the Lord calls and to go for regular confessions.
He said, “Students will often think that they have achieved Merdeka after confirmation and neglect their Catechism after confirmation. This is totally wrong and they should not think in such a manner. You must not to take your faith life so easily or take it for granted. Receiving confirmation also means that you have achieved adulthood, which means maturity in life.”
The rite of confirmation took place after the homily. Songs were sung in Tamil, English and Bahasa Indonesia. The Indonesian choir group came in full force with their batik attire and sang four songs beautifully with different voice harmonies.
Fr V. A. Michael thanked Archbishop Leow for celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation with the people of SPH because, after many years, SPH celebrated Confirmation Mass in their own parish. Last year, the confirmands of SPH joined with the Church of St Jude’s Rawang for their Confirmation Camp and Mass.
To the confirmands, Fr Michael told them to be steadfast in their faith and be committed because the world out there is a dangerous place. He told them to stand firm and be ready always.
Certificates and gifts were given after Mass by Fr Michael, followed by fellowship on the church grounds.
These confirmands, who had been preparing for their Sacrament of Confirmation, also attended an overnight camp July 2-3 at the Chapel of the Holy Infant Jesus, Kuala Selangor. The camp was conducted by Fr Stanley Antoni, formator from College General, Penang, together with Bro Selva.
During the camp, the students were exposed to topics such as the Holy Spirit, lifestyle after confirmation, relationships with God, family and friends, sexuality and how to encounter Jesus in their lives. They also had group activities and group discussions, had reflections, presentations and outreach. They reflected on their lives and sinfulness before going for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Confessions were made available with the presence of two priests. They attended Mass the next day and ended their camp.
It was different for the Indonesian migrants. Classes were given to them for the past two months on the meaning of Confirmation, the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit and how to remain firm in their faith when they are faced with challenges.
The Indonesian migrants received their certificates and gifts on July 24 when Fr Michael celebrated mass with them.
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