BECs re-enact the Way of the Cross

More than 100 people participated in the Way of the Cross on April 9, 2014 at the Church of St Francis Xavier, Petaling Jaya.

May 22, 2014

PETALING JAYA (Herald Malaysia): More than 100 people participated in the Way of the Cross on April 9, 2014 at the Church of St Francis Xavier, Petaling Jaya. The Stations, which depict the Passion and Death of Jesus, were presented in a dramatic fashion by the BEC communities of Zone A comprising Sections 10, 11, and 12. The evening first opened with the Gospel reading of the day taken from John 8:31-42, followed by an opening prayer.

The re-enactment of each of the 14 Stations of the Cross was carried out with the children and youth of the BECs portraying the various roles. It was a challenging task for the producers and directors, Corinne Gomis, from BEC Section 12 and Elena Fernandez, from BEC Section 10. The challenges included working on a tight budget to come up with the props, costumes, and backdrops. The young people had to squeeze in practices between their tuition schedules and extra-curricular activities. Despite having only a couple of weeks to work with, everyone pulled together and, from the costumes to the props and backdrop, it was entirely the work of the children and the young adults, guided by Gomis and Fernandez.

Touching scenes occurred when “Jesus Meets His Mother”, when “Jesus is Nailed to the Cross”, and when “Jesus Dies on the Cross”. Many in the audience were moved to tears and the feedback at the end of the evening was “that it was so real”.

At a review held on 28 April with the actors, actresses, and crew, the feedback was raw and real. Though the children and young adults said they were tired throughout the rehearsals and the play itself, they nevertheless had fun and had made new friends. On a more insightful note, some said they were “ touched” by the experience.

Unbeknown to these children and youth, their commitment and enthusiasm in depicting the scenes from the Way of the Cross helped many of the adults in the audience to see and feel the Passion of Jesus in a new way this Lent. These young children and teenagers have, in essence, begun their mission of evangelising the Good News, of bringing people to know Jesus.

This dramatization of the Passion was the first collaboration of this kind at the Zone level. From the enthusiastic feedback and support, we can look forward to more such collaboration among the three BECs in the Zone.

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