Bible Knowledge (BK) testimonies from 2015 candidates

Bible Knowledge (BK) testimonies from 2015 candidates

Oct 14, 2016

“Taking BK has meant a lot to me. It has helped me to be more Christ-like and helped me to spread the Word of God with confidence.

It has made me understand myself more and helped me control my bad temper. I thought of dropping this subject but, with encouragement from my loved ones and everyone around me, I managed to get a B in SPM.

It gives me a sense of responsibility, as a Christian, to be a good, living testimony to all the unbelievers around me. Taking this subject was the best decision I made. -- Geraldine Tan, SMK SETA, Johor Baru

“When I first started studying Bible Knowledge, I realised how deprived I was in knowing my faith. I realised that just listening to the readings once a week in church at Mass is not enough! Taking BK in SPM provided me with a foundation in my religion.

During the past two years, I can say that it was never easy. This was when we needed to face the opinions of other people who did not understand us. When everyone was celebrating the end of exams, we needed to take our BK and study it again and again!

However, I can never forget the encouragement I received from my parents and my teachers. I can never forget that day when I finished my BK in SPM, my heart was full of joy and peace. It was not because the paper was easy but because, finally, I have accomplished the mission as a child of God. This is the only paper that brought so much joy to me among all the eleven subjects !

Lastly, don’t feel discouraged when you do not receive the grade that you want, because what you have gained along the journey is more than the grade. Above all, never give up! -- Jessica Chia, SMK Mohd Khalid, Johor Baru

“I was one of seven SPM Bible Knowledge candidates in Johor Baru in 2015. When I signed up in Form 4 to take this subject as an elective, I was worried that I might not have enough reference materials. I am visually impaired and I only had a brailled copy of the Gospel of Luke.

Ms A Ruby, one of the three BK teachers in St Christopher’s Church, JB, worked with Mr Ray Lim (Retired Senior Teacher, KL), Mr Moses Choo (Executive Director, NCBM), Mrs Alice Teoh (Special Education Teacher, Penang) and Ms Namiladevi (RTM, JB), who are all visuallyimpaired, to get the Luke and Acts Study Books, the Examination Guide and past Examination Question Papers brailled. Ms Tang Lai Shin (Special Education Teacher, Kuantan) prepared the Braille maps.

All these BK reference materials are now available for future, visually-impaired students taking BK.

The person-in-charge of visually challenged students in English College, Hajah Ruzidah Jaafar, after discussion with my BK teacher, Ms Nga Johnson, allowed me to take this subject. If I failed BK, the SPM results for the school would record a 100 per cent failure as I was the only candidate. The ranking of the school would be affected.

Every Saturday, Ms Johnson would pick me up. My mum, who was working as a cleaner in the school, would walk me out. She gave me the moral support I needed to take this subject. I enjoyed Bible Knowledge as it is in English and I found it easy to commit to memory the two books ie. The Gospel of Luke and The Acts of the Apostles.

I thank God for the team of people who helped me score A+ in SPM for Bible Knowledge. So I encourage all Christian students to take this subject as one of their SPM subjects. The knowledge I gained has helped me in my life. I hope to be a teacher one day.

I want to give credit to the teams of people who helped me with this one subject. The Malaysian Association of the Blind (MAB) is one of the strongest social services in our country and I was able to benefit greatly from the special work the volunteers and Braille teachers put in to help me in 2014/15. I would also like to thank my school headmaster, Tuan Haji Samsudin Md Ariff and Puan Hajah Ruzidah Jaafar, the person-in-charge of the visually-challenged students. The Lembaga Peperiksaan Malaysia (LPM) also gave me extra time for this paper. Finally, I want to thank God for His provision of people who helped me in Bible Knowledge. -- Thew Ming Soon, Maktab Sultan Abu Bakar, Johor Bahru

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