Callback Camp Omega 2014

About 90 young Catholic adults from parishes across Malaysia gathered for Callback Camp Omega 2014 at the Holy Name of Jesus Church Formation Centre, Balik Pulau from December 12 to 14.

Feb 13, 2015

PENANG (Herald Malaysia): About 90 young Catholic adults from parishes across Malaysia gathered for Callback Camp Omega 2014 at the Holy Name of Jesus Church Formation Centre, Balik Pulau from December 12 to 14. Organized by the Callback Youth from the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit, Greenlane, Penang, the weekend programme designed for Catholics who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation, was themed SENT based on Isaiah 61:1 “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach good tidings to the poor. He has SENT me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound.”

Callback Youth was formed in December 2012 to re-connect post-Confirmation Catholics back into the life of the Church. Following the 2014 theme Discipleship: CALLED, CHOSEN, SENT, Callback Youth organized 3 events, starting the year with Callback Camp 2014 in January themed One Extraordinary Life: CALLED Back for Mission, the Callback Easter Ball in May themed CHOSEN for a Celebration of Life! and closed the year with Callback Camp Omega 2014 in December themed SENT.

In-house speakers Stephen Rodrigues and Leoreen Heah Rodrigues, guest speakers Belevendiran Joseph and Andre Ong, and Bishop Sebastian Francis inspired the participants to be informed, equipped and sent to reach out to others, just like how Jesus sent out his disciples. A new fire and fresh zeal ignited in the hearts of the participants who went forth after being commissioned by Jesus. The Callback LITs (Leaders-in-Training) went the extra mile in organizing exciting activities such as community games, a prayer walk around the Balik Pulau countryside and a party with Jesus, where there were skits, dancing, and a feast of barbeque and steamboat. These activities highlighted the joy of belonging to a community of peers who would grow together in faith and support one another through the challenging time of young adult life and going out on mission together.

“Callback Camp was very timely because I was struggling with God at that time. The speakers made me realise a real relationship with God is so important and how important friends are to encourage each other in faith. They challenged me to have a deeper relationship with Him and keep the fire burning!” ~ Denise, 21

“I experienced God’s love in a new way especially in the Eucharist, as well as the love of our brothers and sisters in Christ.” ~ Ian, 26

“Callback was undoubtedly a first-hand experience of God’s presence, power and gentleness. Definitely opened many doors for me to deepen my faith and to serve my community.” ~ Vivien, 21

“In Callback Camp, I learnt how to serve God. I was taught that serving God can be a fun experience and that only by serving God can I achieve true happiness. It was a joy attending Callback Camp and rediscovering my faith. I now know what to do from here on to deepen my relationship with God.” ~ Daniel, 18

“I have had little blackouts since I was in primary school. I have anaemia and my blood pressure is quite low. That’s why I took different types of medication before but it never got any better. During the camp where we prayed for healing, I was really healed. Never even once experienced black outs from that moment onwards! And it used to happen to me like 4 or 5 times a day. So yeah, praise the Lord!” ~ Rachel, 17

“Before attending Callback Camp, I thought everything to do with religion was boring and I did not bother much about my spirituality. Now I know that God works in marvellous ways and praising God can be intense, joyous and exciting.” ~ Henry, 17

“Felt tired and overworked in terms of work and church ministries before camp. Found a deeper faith in Christ and more rejuvenated to do God’s will. Had a great time with God and His children.” ~ Oliver, 37

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