Caritas Malaysia is organising a six-month Community Development Course
Caritas Malaysia is organising a six-month online Community Development (CD) course to build the capacity of staff, volunteers, parish coordinators and local community leaders in Integral Human Development work.
May 01, 2021

KUALA LUMPUR: Caritas Malaysia is organising a six-month online Community Development (CD) course to build the capacity of staff, volunteers, parish coordinators and local community leaders in Integral Human Development work. The practice of community-based development is gaining traction globally as it engages the people to participate, share their gifts and resources, as well as take responsibility for the improvement of their lives and communities.
The CD course is designed as a hands-on programme to build the capacity of Caritas heads, staff, volunteers, centres, parish coordinators, and local community leaders. It draws its inspiration from the work done by Caritas in various countries in the region as well the FABC documents calling for ‘a new way of being Church in Asia’, one that is participatory, prophetic, communitarian and dialoguing. It will be a series of 12 workshops over 6 months on Saturday mornings (9.00AM to 12.30PM) with inputs, group discussions, case studies, presentation by practitioners, self-reflection, etc. The next in the series of workshops will be a deepening on the spirituality and social mission of the Church as well as an introduction to community based development. It is a maiden attempt by Caritas Malaysia and offers the opportunity of a shared learning experience for all dioceses and the national office.
The overall objectives of the CD course are to:
–– foster the integration of one’s faith, catholic social teaching (CST) and the Church’s mission
–– provide basic theories, knowledge, tools and skills in CD work
–– generate more in-depth understanding on some of the issues faced by local communities
–– provide opportunities to meet, engage, and network with practitioners from various organisations and backgrounds
–– establish a common ground as Caritas Malaysia for integral and sustainable development
The outcome hoped for is greater confidence and motivation among all participants in applying their faith to community development approaches, building a network of practitioners across the dioceses and with partners, leading to new or improved local initiatives as a result of the training. At the same time, Caritas wishes to keep a balance between the theories, knowledge and skills of the practitioner with the spirit of journeying, the essence of discerning, and being present to the wisdom of the people.
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