Carrying the cross for the sick

The Formation Ministry, from the Church of Our Lady of Fatima (OLF), Brickfields, organised a pilgrimage to the Church of St Francis of Assisi, Cheras, to offer spiritual support to those facing the ordeal of an illness or praying for a loved one.

Mar 27, 2024

Our Lady of Fatima pilgrims experiencing outdoor Way of the Cross.

By OLF Formation Ministry
The Formation Ministry, from the Church of Our Lady of Fatima (OLF), Brickfields, organised a pilgrimage to the Church of St Francis of Assisi, Cheras, to offer spiritual support to those facing the ordeal of an illness or praying for a loved one.

The two buses, a van and a few cars transported over 100 participants on the evening of March 17. On arrival, everyone assembled into their small groups and picked up their cross to journey together for the Way of the Cross . The young ones had a lighter cross to carry. With eager hearts, making the first stop at the Garden of Gethsemane and reflecting on the guardian angel comforting Jesus, the pilgrims sought quiet assurance. Keeping their prayer intention in mind, groups fervently prayed the ‘Prayer for the Healing of the Sick’. Waiting for their turn, each group started off at the first station, paused for a reflection and got into a rhythm. The heavy rain did not deter the completion of the Way of the Cross, with groups moving inside the church building.

After bonding over some refreshments, the pilgrims gathered at the Chapel of Portiuncula, dedicated to Our Lady of Angels. Fr Andrew Manickam OFM Cap, highlighted that ‘Portiuncula’ means ‘a small portion’ in Italian and it was there that St Francis of Assisi spent his last few days. Before the veneration of the relics, Fr Andrew shared how the relics are classified and that the chapel had the First-class relics of St Francis of Assisi (ashes); St John Paul II (a drop of blood), St Padre Pio (strands of hair), St Rita of Cascia, St Teresa of Calcutta (ex capillis-hair) and Blessed Angelo of Canete (a small fragment of his bone). All the accompanying documents are displayed in the chapel. A group of pilgrims travelled to Rome to bring the relics to the church.

The OLF pilgrims stopped for prayers at Mother Mary’s grotto and then the grotto of St Michael – seeking protection for the Church and for all those present.

Reflecting on her experience, Janet shared, “The stations of the cross for the sick was so beautiful. It brought tears and I was overwhelmed by the prayers for the terminally ill and for all who die alone. Thank you, Fr Andrew, for allowing us to experience the peace, love and healing of being able to get so close and touch the relics of the holy saints.” Another pilgrim, Ranjana, stated, “I was extremely happy as I felt we were amid the holy saints – such a close experience of God’s grace through these saints.”

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