CDM organises drive-thru communion service
The Church of the Divine Mercy (CDM) organised a Drive-Thru Holy Communion Service for those who were unable to come for Mass due to age or illness.
Aug 15, 2020

By Rachael Philip
The Church of the Divine Mercy (CDM) organised a Drive-Thru Holy Communion Service for those who were unable to come for Mass due to age or illness.
Despite the drizzle, cars started queuing up outside the church as early as 8.30am. When the gates opened at 9.00am, batches of cars drove to the front porch of the church. Drivers were told to switch off their car engines. The passengers were asked to remain in their cars as parish priest Fr Gerard Theraviam led them in a short service. Fr Gerard was assisted by Fr Simon Labrooy and seminarian Bro Yoseph. All three then administered the Holy Eucharist to the people in their cars, following stringent SOP guidelines. Also present were altar servers and CDM’s Pandemic Re sponse Team.
Many were touched and even seen shedding tears as they received Holy Communion for the first time in almost four months. They were also grateful that such an initiative was planned and care fully carried out.
A total of 119 cars, containing roughly 330 people, came by that morning. The event reached a peak between 9.30am and 10.30am where batches of as many as 18 cars were grouped at the porch for each service.
CDM’s next Drive-Thru Holy Communion Service will be held on Thursday, August 20 (Awal Muharram public holiday) from 9.00am to 11.00am.
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