Christian students must be prophetic leaders of peace and reconciliation

Christians must be prophetic leaders of peace and reconciliation, students and young people were told during an ecumenical peace conference hosted jointly by the Student Christian Movement (SCM) and Fellowship of Reconciliation (FoR).

Apr 11, 2014

DERBYSHIRE: Christians must be prophetic leaders of peace and reconciliation, students and young people were told during an ecumenical peace conference hosted jointly by the Student Christian Movement (SCM) and Fellowship of Reconciliation (FoR).

The conference, held from 14 - 16 February 2014 at the Hayes Conference Centre in Swannick, Derbyshire, explored the theme of peace through the dynamics of power, protest and prophecy. Revd Dr Inderjit Bhogal, former leader of the Corrymeela community in Northern Ireland, delivered the keynote address. He said, "It is no longer enough to regard peace as our goal. Rather, we must use it as the beginning of true, lasting healing."

Delegates of students and young people from across the UK took part in workshops and panel discussions that connected stories of peace to theology and practical living. Workshops highlighted indigenous theology in Bolivia, faith and the youth criminal justice system, humanitarian zones in Colombia, and Christian prophecy and active witness.

The main panel discussion addressed the question 'How can faith speak truth to power?'. Panellists included voices from the youth sector, environmental and anti-nuclear activism and university chaplaincies. Sunniva Taylor, programme manager at Quaker Peace and Social Witness, urged the church to take on a more leading role to combat climate change and support the fossil-free movement.

"We are part of the problem - but we also have a lot of power to change it," Sunniva said. "The message of the church to our politicians must be prophetic and have the courage to speak out."

Conference stalls also connected students to a wider network of Christian organisations. Exhibitors included Operation Noah, the Christian Aid Collective, the Anabaptist Network, Christian CND and Young Inclusive Church.

"Christians have a voice," one student said. "They can, and should, influence the major debates in society today. Conference 2014 has helped Christians from all denominations find that voice and be assured in their faith."

The Student Christian Movement is an ecumenical student-led movement passionate about faith and justice. SCM is Britain's oldest national student organisation, having been founded in 1889.--ICN

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