CHS’s 2015 plans
This is the pastoral thrust for 2015 for the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit (CHS) based on the Peninsular Malaysia Pastoral Theme (PMPT) of Discipleship: Mission Towards transforming Humanity.
Nov 27, 2014
By Joseph Raj
This is the pastoral thrust for 2015 for the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit (CHS) based on the Peninsular Malaysia Pastoral Theme (PMPT) of Discipleship: Mission Towards transforming Humanity. Bibilical rational: Make all things new
1. Target for the Parish:
Living out our baptismal call to mission in our daily acts of kindness; renewing our parish ministries and services by ‘self-transforming’ and initiating efforts at mak-ing all things new in Christ Jesus and committing to making time to reach-out to all.
2. Faith Journey
To do a pulse check and determine where we stand. After being Called, Chosen and Sent, now Go, Live & Share the Joy of the Gospel.
3. Signs of a Maturing Church Community
We will have a sense of self-respect; visible gifts and charisms; on-going recollection with self and recalling our blessings. We will gather for unity; make space for others; be rooted in the Word and rejoice in diversity and variety. We are the presence of God, unifier of peoples and a witness to the dialogue of life.
4. Pastoral Action for 2015
a) Be “Sowers of the good seeds” by being committed to living out our personal mission ;
b) “Make all things new” by bringing excellence into our work and deeds;
c) Be “The salt and light of the world” by leaving good impressions wherever we go.
Parish priest Msgr Bernard Paul wrapped up the assembly saying that we need the Spirit; alone we cannot suceed. If we do not have God’s breath in us, we, as well as our groups or ministries, will collapse. He gave the analogy of a balloon and demonstrated how a balloon was useless without air and without identity when limp. However, when blown up, it becomes useful and assumes an identity.
The assembly ended with special personal adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, prayer to the Holy Spirit, followed by praise and worship.
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