CMPC Formation and Conference in PD

The CMPC (Catholic Marriage Preparation Course) presenters attended their yearly retreat at the Port Dickson Golf & Country Club on June 21 and 22.

Jul 11, 2014

PORT DICKSON (Herald Malaysia): The CMPC (Catholic Marriage Preparation Course) presenters attended their yearly retreat at the Port Dickson Golf & Country Club on June 21 and 22. The retreat was attended by 37 presenting couples, the largest number on record, and CMPC Spiritual Director, Msgr Daniel Lim. The theme was Enriching Marriage Preparation.

Objectives of the retreat were: (1) to build up fellowship amongst CMPC presenters (2) to be more engaged as facilitators so as to connect with today’s young couples and (3) to share and harness resources/relevant topics for the 6-9 weeks and weekend marriage preparation courses.

The first presentation was a personal sharing by Matthew Chong on a formation given by Fr David Garcia of Singapore entitled Philosophy of the Body. The second presentation by Alvin Teoh gave an understanding of Generation Y and how multi-media can impact family life. Belinda Moo then shared her take home experience from three TOB programmes she attended.

Participating couples were invited to share the best CMPC practices adopted in their respective parishes, and in addition, there were sessions on the various CMPC programmes available in the Archdiocese and other Family Life programmes. The conference also served to connect resources since the respective family life programmes are in dire need of presenters. The weekend event was enriched with a dinner and dance organised on Saturday night. Sunday Eucharist, celebrated by Msgr Daniel Lim, helped to strengthen the presenters’ common bond to work together as family life presenters.

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