Come Follow Me – GSC Catechetical Camp
The Catechetical Ministry of Good Shepherd Church (GSC), recently had a day camp targeted at youths aged 13 to 16, themed Come, Follow Me and facilitated by the secondary school catechists, led by Jacintha.
May 22, 2014
By Charmaine Amanda
The Catechetical Ministry of Good Shepherd Church (GSC), recently had a day camp targeted at youths aged 13 to 16, themed Come, Follow Me and facilitated by the secondary school catechists, led by Jacintha. The theme chosen was inspired by Pope Francis’ Evangelii Gaudium.
The first session entitled My Leader, Our Inspiration highlighted the significance of our Holy Father’s message, showing the participants video clips on the contributions of Pope Francis and the changes he has brought about towards making our Catholic Church more inclusive, and focused on the poor. This session gave new insights to the youths as many were unaware of the simple wisdoms of our present Pope. Imelda Priya Wilson, 14, quoted: ‘We learned more about Faith and I really enjoyed this session!’
The session Just a closer walk highlighted the many ministries in GSC that the youths could contribute their time and talent to be of service to the church and to the community. Besides the Youth Ministry, the participants were also enlightened on the various ministries under the governance of PIHD ie Ministry of the Poor (MOP), Medical Mission (MDM), Street Shepherd Outreach (SSO), Migrant Ministry (MM) Women’s Desk (WD), Senior Citizens (SC) Assumption Home (AH), Prison Ministry (PM) and Orang Asli Outreach (OA). Highlights of activities previously carried out by these ministries were projected and the message was clear, ‘Youths can make a difference, and they’re needed and welcomed!’ Next the youths were shown real life situations and challenges of today’s world issues in a role play by the Catechism teachers and they were then challenged to create and perform real life issues and show how Jesus would react in those situations. Celeste Gabriella Noronha, 15, quoted: ‘We learnt to love Jesus more, the talks were amazing!’
The camp’s last session was Fishers of Men. Here the youths were exposed to the various vocations in life such as Priesthood, Nuns, Marriage and Single Life with videos and life testimonies from a married couple and single persons alike. The youths enjoyed the camp and had a lot of fun. Amelia Soundry Wilson, 15 quoted: “The sessions were very inspiring and after this camp I know more about God and how important God is, in my life.” Juliana Rishi, 15 said, “We have to be strong in Faith and follow our spiritual leader. I have learned more about the ministries in the church and enjoyed the camp.” Adelle Adrian, 16, said, “I have no regrets spending my Saturday afternoon here, what really stood out was the dedication and commitment towards a deeper understanding and relationship with God.”
To cap this memorable day Parish Priest, Fr VA Michael addressed the participants, thanking them for making the right choice and effort to be present in this camp. He quipped, “Proclaiming Christ means showing that to believe in and to follow him is not only something right and true, but also something beautiful, capable of filling life with new splendour and profound joy, even in the midst of difficulties. The Church needs you, your enthusiasm, your creativity and the joy that is so characteristic of you.
‘Do not be afraid!’ When we go out to proclaim Christ, it is He himself who goes before us and guides us. When He sent His disciples on mission, He promised: ‘I am with you always’ (Mt 28:20). And this is also true for us! Jesus does not leave us alone, He never leaves you alone! He always accompanies you.” Fr Michael also encouraged the participants to continue to participate in all the activities planned for GSC’s Golden Jubilee Year. He also thanked the teachers for their commitment and effort to organise this camp.
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