Communicants learn about the fruits of communion

Fifty-four children from the parish of Good Shepherd (GSC) gathered on October 18 to ponder and reflect on the fruits of Holy Communion (CCC 1391-1398) as part of their preparation for first Holy Communion.

Nov 27, 2014

By Charmaine Amanda
Fifty-four children from the parish of Good Shepherd (GSC) gathered on October 18 to ponder and reflect on the fruits of Holy Communion (CCC 1391-1398) as part of their preparation for first Holy Communion.

The day camp focussed on the 7 fruits of Holy Communion, facilitated through games, activities, videos and sketches. It was presented in various languages to ensure that it was understood by the children who were eagerly waiting to receive Jesus in Holy Communion for the first time.

Throughout the day, the kids learnt that the principal fruit of receiving the Eucharist is an intimate union with Christ Jesus as “Holy Communion augments our union with Christ”. This means that by the power of the Holy Spirit, participation in Holy Communion conforms us in a singular and profound way to Christ, giving us a foretaste of the full communion with the Father that characterises the heavenly banquet, where together with all the Saints, we will have the joy of contemplating God face to face.

Holy Communion cleanses us from sin, wipes away venial sins and strengthens us against future mortal sins. Since Christ’s body was “given for us” and his blood was shed “for the forgiveness of sins,” the Eucharist cleanses past sins and preserves from future sins. Holy Communion also brings about “the unity of the Mystical Body: the Eucharist makes the Church”. Those who receive the Eucharist are united more closely to Christ. Through it Christ unites them to all the faithful in one body — the Church. Communion renews, strengthens, and deepens this incorporation into the Church, already achieved by Baptism.

Receiving Communion demands that we recognize Christ in the poor because “the Eucharist commits us to the poor”. During this session, the facilitator navigated through the PIHD Good Shepherd Church, Setapak’s Facebook page where the children could recognize the volunteers who feed the homeless, attend to the needs of the Orang Asli and migrants, etc. The key message delivered to them was that the poor exist in our midst and we need to lift our own hands to help them, simply because Jesus lives in us and that is exactly what Jesus would do.

The last fruit is “the Eucharist brings about the unity of Christians”. The more painful the experience of the divisions in the Church which break the common participation at the table of the Lord, the more urgent are our prayers to the Lord that the time of complete unity among all who believe in Him may return. The day camp ended with testimonials, praise and worship and fellowship with the parents. The First Holy Communion in GSC was celebrated on the Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome. In his homily, Fr VA Michael reminded the parishioners that we are the temple of the Holy Spirit and it is crucial that we take extra care not to desecrate the dwelling place of Jesus. It is important to have the right appearance, demeanour and state of mind when we gather in church for worship. He also urged the congregation to lead by example for all the communicants to follow. Parents were also reminded to continue to nurture their child in faith and in the light of Christ.

“We don’t ever thank the Lord enough for the gift he has given us in the Eucharist! It is a very great gift and that is why it is so important to go to Mass on Sunday. Go to Mass not just to pray, but to receive Communion, the bread that is the Body of Jesus Christ who saves us, forgives us and unites us to the Father. And in this Eucharist, we feel this belonging to the Church, to the People of God, to the Body of God, to Jesus Christ. We will never completely grasp the value and the richness of it. Let us ask Him, then that this Sacrament continues to keep His presence alive in the Church and to shape our community in charity and communion, according to the Father’s heart. This is done throughout life, but is begun on the day of our First Communion” he concluded.

“I was excited because it was going to be the first time that I would receive the Body and Blood of Jesus. I was also nervous and had goose bumps on my arms because everyone was looking at me when I carried the fruit basket during the Offertory. While I was praying, I said, “Thank you Jesus for the things You have made for me and the way You make my heart full of You.” I love You, Jesus. -- Shayna Ashley Albela

“Today I received the Eucharist. I sang so loudly because I wanted to say thank You to Jesus for giving Himself to me. When Jesus is with me I feel special and I am never alone. Now I can fully participate in the Mass when I am serving at the Altar!” -- Rajwyn Singh

“I felt so happy and blessed. I wish I can attend Mass every day and receive Jesus. Although the communion tasted a bit bitter, I think I can get used to it. I also want to do more service for Jesus because He loves me so much.” -- Isaac Cameron Fernandez

“The Holy Communion journey was very well thought through by the teachers at the parish. It was all explained very well to me. I really liked the experience. It was fun and not boring preparing myself for this. I feel blessed by the entire experience.” -- Harrison Flynn

“On behalf of all my friends who received Holy Communion today, I want to thank Jesus, Fr Michael, our Catechist, parents, god parents and friends. Please continue to pray for us that we may grow increasingly closer to Jesus and please Him in everything we do.” -- Margaret Tan Chern Mei

After Mass, the children received their certificate and gifts from Fr Michael.

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