Communion for remarried divorcees is not the only issue being discussed

After some questions put to Pope Francis by the Synod fathers regarding the working method of the meetings.

Oct 15, 2015

VATICAN: After some questions put to him by the Synod fathers regarding the working method of the meetings, this morning Pope Francis delivered a spontaneous, last-minute speech to the Synod on the family, which began meeting yesterday, clarifying that the question of remarried divorcees is not the only issue the assembly is dealing with. He also added, that his two speeches at the Extraordinary Synod last year, along with the relation finale, are the official documents that this assembly delivered to this year’s assembly, which will be working in continuity with the previous one.

According to the daily Vatican press briefing, some differences in opinion emerged between those who are more concerned about preserving Catholic teaching and those who underline the need for dialogue with the world. Items discussed include homosexuality, a new language with which to communicate the Gospel and the possibility of coming up with local rather than universal solutions to controversial questions, such as, communion for remarried divorcees.

A number of issues were covered in the first discussion session and these were illustrated by Fr Lombardi and his assistants during the press-briefing: the cultural revolution in which current society lives, the role of priests in offering marriage guidance, premarital cohabitation, the Gospel and the family, migration, the persecution of Christians and other challenges the family faces such as poverty and conflicts, violence “in the family and the Church” — particularly against women — not to mention more specific questions relating to other continents, including polygamy in Africa. Participants also discussed how to go about finding a new “language of mercy” ahead of the next Jubilee of Mercy, to be used with “gay people” in particular. “They are brothers and children who should never be treated as outsiders; they deserve respect,” someone said during the briefing.

The proposed method for addressing the issue of communion for remarried divorcees, was for a series of “reflection groups” to be created “on a local, national and continental basis” seeing as solutions may vary from culture to culture rather than there being “universal” answers. According to statements made during the press briefing, interventions were in general “very intense and varied.”

There was a clear split between those who “defend doctrine above all else,” fearing change on a mass scale if lenience is shown in one area and those who stress that “society has changed and a new language needs to be found for communicating the faith.

” During the course of the discussions, three-month-old Davide Baroni could be heard crying in the background. Davide is the son of two of the auditors taking part in the assembly. The Synod continues with the 13 circuli minores, the language specific meetings taking place alongside the general Synod discussions.

There are four English-speaking groups, three Spanish-speaking groups, plus three French-speaking and two Italian-speaking groups and one German-speaking group. Will the Pope be participating in these working groups? “We will see,” is all Fr Lombardi said. “Normally he does not take part but of course he is free to do as he wishes. The Pope has got us used to surprises, if he decides to come along this afternoon he will be more than welcome.” -- Vatican Insider

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