Community outreach and spiritual preparation for St Jude confirmands

On July 6, the Church of St Jude, Rawang was abuzz with the presence of Archbishop Julian Leow, who administered the Sacrament of Confirmation to 19 candidates.

Jul 26, 2024

Street feeding at Central Market with Dr Gary Liew and Aaron Koh of AOHD.

On July 6, the Church of St Jude, Rawang was abuzz with the presence of Archbishop Julian Leow, who administered the Sacrament of Confirmation to 19 candidates. Parish priest, Fr Vincent Thomas presented the candidates, noting that they were ready to contribute through mission work in everyday situations.

The candidates not only attended classes but also learned to animate the Holy Hour, care for orphans, and feed the homeless on the streets. They also wrote letters to juvenile inmates at the Pusat Koreksional in Puncak Alam through the Prison Ministry.

Their catechist, Dr Grace Gnana Piragasam, collaborated with Dr Gary Liew and Aaron Koh from the Archdiocesan Office for Human Development, particularly with the street feeding programme at Central Market in Kuala Lumpur on May 24.

Candidate Clarence Abishegam shared that street feeding was quite challenging as he had to engage with strangers. He recalled how Dr Gary and Aaron emphasised that it was not just about distributing food, but also about establishing eye contact and having conversations with the recipients.

Dr Grace explained that these activities are designed to help the confirmands develop responsibility, dialogue, listening, and discernment in their active participation within the parish and community.

To prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation, the candidates attended a retreat camp. Confirmand Elcella Anne Rita King noted that the camp taught her how to work on relationships, especially focusing on how young people mature, identify their sexual identities, and understand the importance of chastity.

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