Creating awareness on free medical assistance

The Cathedral of St John the Evangelist’s (SJC) PIHDM recently hosted a talk to raise awareness on the availability of free medical assistance by Assunta Hospital via the Assunta Integrated Social Services (ASSISS), Mission Concerns, and the re-introduction of the Women’s Desk at the parish.

Apr 22, 2022

By Mary Teoh, coordinator of PIHDM, SJC

The Cathedral of St John the Evangelist’s (SJC) PIHDM recently hosted a talk to raise awareness on the availability of free medical assistance by Assunta Hospital via the Assunta Integrated Social Services (ASSISS), Mission Concerns, and the re-introduction of the Women’s Desk at the parish.

Held on April 9, 2022, Talk Series 1 saw about 40 people in attendance. Parish priest, Fr Gerard Theraviam, was on hand to give the welcome address and opening prayer.

Assunta Chairman, Peter Leong, shared a brief introduction of their humble beginnings when four Franciscan Missionaries of Mary (FMM) nuns started a small clinic called Ave Maria in Section 1 to serve the healthcare needs of the underprivileged in 1954.

He said, unlike normal business models where shareholders enjoy a share of the company’s profits, the members of the board, consisting of FMM sisters and prominent figures in society, contribute their time and effort voluntarily to regulate the hospital’s operations.

Through the Assunta Integrated Social Services (ASSISS), 50 per cent of their earnings are apportioned for the upkeep and smooth running of the hospital, and the remaining 50 per cent is set aside to provide free community medical aid for Malaysians who earn combined incomes below RM2500, regardless of race or religion.

Dr Darshinia Ballasingam - Head of Medical Services, said the Assunta Integrated Social Services (ASSISS) was established to reach out to the underprivileged. Their continued efforts to address the needs of the community with free healthcare for the poorest of the poor include Pastoral Care, Mobile Clinic, Social Welfare Inpatient/Outpatient, ASSISS Wound Care Services, ASSISS Stroke Ancillary Programme, ASSISS Geriatric Enrichment Services, and ASSISS Palliative Services.

The Mobile Clinic is one of the eight components under ASSISS that provides basic primary care, comprising of health consultations and monitoring of medical conditions such as diabetes. Participants were impressed to learn that the Mobile Clinic team goes out every day — within Selangor and the Klang Valley, its visits are approaching 48 locations per month.

ASSISS has reached as far as Sabah and Sarawak, predominantly in Kota Kinabalu, Kuching, and Keningau, serving the poorest of the poor. There was an instance where a mother was brought in a wheelbarrow by her filial son. They travelled over four kilometres to seek medical treatment.

From SJC, priest in resident, Fr Robert Kham, and PPC chairperson and coordinating team member at Fondacio Malaysia, Maria Yan, spoke on Mission Concerns. They shared their vast experiences with various migrant communities and helped us realise the importance of being an inclusive church that welcomes all, regardless of race, creed, or colour.

Franciska Savarimuthu and Mary Magdalene shared their experiences on the Women’s Desk, which was launched at SJC some time ago. They focused on the transformation of society, especially women, amongst the LOST (the lonely, depressed, divorced, and separated who have stayed away from church) and the LAST (to empower the migrant women in our parish). The empowerment and advocacy involved in this mission are guided by the Teachings of the Social Doctrines of the Catholic Church.

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