Details of Pope’s Korean visit released

The Vatican delegation, appointed to study the details of the next scheduled visit of Francis from Aug 14 to 18, arrived in South Korea on June 9 and concluded its second visit on June 13.

Jun 20, 2014

File photo shows Pope Francis with a Korean priest (picture: ANSA)

VATICAN: The Vatican delegation, appointed to study the details of the next scheduled visit of Francis from Aug 14 to 18, arrived in South Korea on June 9 and concluded its second visit on June 13. This was communicated by the website Il Sismografo with an article by Alexander Notarnicola that contains some details on the celebrations for the Pope, taken from the South Korean press.

The delegation to the Holy See is led by the Holy Father’s director of international travel, Alberto Gasbarri. There had already been an initial visit in February. The men of the Vatican met with government officials and members of the preparatory committee of the local Catholic Church.

The appointments already scheduled include a papal Mass on August 15 in the Daejeon stadium, the same that was the scene of the World Cup in 2002.

The celebration will coincide with the Sixth Asian Youth Day scheduled for August 13 to 17, the occasion which determined the papal visit.

On August 16, at Gwanghwamun, Pope Francis will beatify 124 Korean martyrs killed in the eighteenth century: they were put to death for embracing Christianity and giving up Confucianism, the dominant religion of the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910).

Although it is estimated that the Catholics who will be present will not exceed 200 thousand, according to the Seoul City Hall, one million people could take part in the beatification event.

On August 16 the Pope will visit the City of Flowers in the village of Eumseong, in the South Korean province of Chungcheon: here he will meet people with disabilities and the homeless.

Lastly, on August 18 Francis will celebrate Mass in the cathedral of Myeongdong in Seoul. The cathedral is dedicated to the Immaculate Conception of Mary and is also known as the Cathedral of Myeong-dong, named after the neighborhood in which it stands. On this occasion there may be Catholics from North Korea. --

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