Discerning your vocation

In continuous efforts to cultivate vocations to the priesthood and religious life, the Archdiocesan Vocation Promotion Team (AVPT) has embarked on their ‘Vocation Roadshow 2015’ to parishes in the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur.

Feb 13, 2015

By Bernard Anthony
In continuous efforts to cultivate vocations to the priesthood and religious life, the Archdiocesan Vocation Promotion Team (AVPT) has embarked on their ‘Vocation Roadshow 2015’ to parishes in the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur.

On Jan 25, the AVPT Team were at the Assumption Church and parish priest, Fr Patrick Boudville introduced the Team to his parishioners, at the end of his homily. His homily was focused on the call of the disciples and the call to conversion of the heart.

The AVPT Team reached out to the Youths, parents and secondary students in separate sessions with them. For parents and youths, Bro Joachim Heng FMS and Franciska Savarimuthu, from the Auxiliary of the Apostolate, facilitated the session. Bro Heng gave a testimony about his religious life.

Making reference to Fr Ronald Rolheiser OMI’s book, Jesus’ Deep Invitations, the facilitation proceeded with several questions addressed to the participants, such as, “What are the deeper invitations of Jesus for us at this moment? What is needed to live in this freedom and the challenges before us?” A deep grounding in the Spirit of Jesus to be powerful witnesses to the world is needed.

Going deeper into the session, the facilitators shared and explained on the Scriptural Reflection on Jesus’ Deep invitations — Keep turning water into wine (The Wedding at Cana), The Rich young man, We need a Baptism of Fire, Continue to sing Sacred Songs, We need to wash each other’s feet and Speak with Authority.

Most parents and youths present were touched. Vocations have to be called. Somebody called us. “If you have a real vocation, somebody called you. But to be the person who calls, we must be vulnerable and committed enough to God to have a right to do that. The power to call comes from the authority of having given our lives away.”

An ex-seminarian who is now married and attached to the parish Family Life ministry was moved, and came forward for a sharing.

As for students in Form 2 and Form 3, Sr Angeline Poh FMM and Sr Elizabeth Jothee FSP facilitated the session. Sr Poh shared on the role of priest and religious — to witness to the world what’s truly important in life: that is to give hope, joy and peace and to share God’s unwavering love to all.

The students later broke into nine small groups for discussion on the similarities they could see in priests and the religious (Evangelical Counsel).

The students managed to recognise the similarities — live simple lives, obedience to God, chastity, holiness and serving orientated. The students were told that when they got older, they would be making important decisions in their lives — to get married, stay single or become priest or religious.They needed to discern their vocations, with God’s grace.

Sr Elizabeth showed a short movie to the students on the Gospel call of the first disciples, while connecting it to our own calling. “In what ways am I a ‘fisher’ of men and women?” Sr Elizabeth also shared her vocation story at the 11.30am Mass.

Sr Shanti Maridass FdCC and Postulant Eliz Mark (Cannosian) facilitated the session for Form 4 and Form 5 students. While Postulant Eliz shared her vocation story on why and how she entered the convent, Sr Shanti told the students that God gives each one talents to share and we should use them for others. Being called to religious life and the priesthood means to share our talents with others.

The religious sister told the young Catholics that it is okay to experience what the world has to offer but to bear in mind that all of us have a purpose and we have to discover it. “Life is not meant to be lived as we want, but rather, on how we can benefit others. God loves us and wants us to be doing what would make the world a better place. We have a chance to make a difference, as Christians, and more so, as priests and religious".

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