Five Cs parish transformation weekend

Once again, the parishioners of the Taiping Catholic Church came together from August 13 to 16 to reflect on how they can open their hearts to the Holy Spirit to bring about transformation in their lives by focusing on the Five Cs – Conviction, Conversion, Consecration, Communion, and Commission.

Sep 11, 2015

By Catherine Francis
Once again, the parishioners of the Taiping Catholic Church came together from August 13 to 16 to reflect on how they can open their hearts to the Holy Spirit to bring about transformation in their lives by focusing on the Five Cs – Conviction, Conversion, Consecration, Communion, and Commission. Sessions were held in English, Tamil, Mandarin, and Bahasa Malaysia, together with workshops and special sessions for the youths and children.

The speakers for the English sessions were Fr Francis Teo of the Missionary Community of St Paul the Apostle; Jude Antoine, a full time Catholic lay missionary from Kuala Lumpur; and Derek and Beatrice Chong, missionaries with the Institute for World Evangelization. The speaker for the Tamil sessions was Fr Packianathan from India, Fr Peter Ng from Melaka conducted the Mandarin sessions, while the Bahasa Malaysia sessions were conducted by Msgr Gilbertus Engan from Keningau, and Vianney Evana Vide and Dorine Daik from Sabah. Between them, they managed to rouse the hearts of the people to take a serious look at their lives and to see where they were heading as a family and as Church.

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