Food For Thought
In February, Pope Francis, in his trademark simplicity, urged the faithful gathered for his weekly audience to attend Mass on Sundays.
Jun 13, 2014
In February, Pope Francis, in his trademark simplicity, urged the faithful gathered for his weekly audience to attend Mass on Sundays.
“Dear friends, we don’t ever thank the Lord enough for the gift he has given us in the Eucharist,” he said during his Feb 5 general audience. “It is a very great gift and that is why it is so important to go to Mass on Sunday.” He said we go Mass to pray, but we also go to receive Communion, to learn from the gifts Christ left for us.
“The Lord Jesus, by becoming bread broken for us, pours upon us all of his mercy and his love, so as to renew our hearts, our lives and our way of relating with him and with the brethren,” he said. Sunday Mass, then, is a type of homecoming in which we gather with our community. It is an occasion to seek and give charity and to follow the example of Jesus Christ.
“In this Eucharist we feel this belonging to the church, to the people of God, to the body of God, to Jesus Christ,” Pope Francis said. “We will never completely grasp the value and the richness of it.”
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