Food for thought
At Christmas we’re reminded that “the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.” But it’s often difficult to know exactly how to interpret that, or to understand why Jesus became “flesh.”
Dec 18, 2014
At Christmas we’re reminded that “the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.” But it’s often difficult to know exactly how to interpret that, or to understand why Jesus became “flesh.” Why did he have to come and live among imperfect human beings?
Pope Francis offered an answer during a January 2014 homily at Santa Marta residence. When Jesus “became flesh,” he became a bridge between humanity and the divine. He is the bridge that takes us toward love, Pope Francis said. He does this, not by being attached to rules and laws, like the Pharisees, but by following and blazing a path of love and justice toward Christ, Pope Francis said.
“Jesus draws close to us: his closeness is the real proof that we are proceeding along the true path. That’s because it’s the path which God has chosen to save us: through his closeness. He draws close to us and was made man. His flesh, the flesh of God is the sign; God’s flesh is the sign of true justice. God was made man like one of us and we must make ourselves like the others, like the needy, like those who need our help.”
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