Food For Thought

In November 2013, Pope Francis faced one of his usual large crowds gathered to listen to his Angelus message in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican.

Feb 27, 2015

In November 2013, Pope Francis faced one of his usual large crowds gathered to listen to his Angelus message in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican.

Volunteers handed out small boxes with what the pontiff called “medicine” for the heart. Inside, the boxes each contained a rosary, and the “spiritual medicine” Pope Francis referred to was prayer.

Besides helping us in our personal struggles, prayer can also help our brothers and sisters who suffer, the Pope said recently in his Lenten message for 2015.

“The prayers of the Church on earth establish a communion of mutual service and goodness that reaches up into the sight of God,” the Pope said.

Some Spanish-language media have highlighted the “five finger prayer” they said Pope Francis touted while archbishop of Buenos Aires.

The first finger should remind us to pray for those closest to us, the index finger should remind us to pray for those who teach us, while the third and tallest is to remind us to pray for our leaders. The fourth and weakest finger should remind us to pray for the weakest among us. The last finger, the smallest, is to remind us to pray for ourselves — after we’ve prayed for everyone else.

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