Fostering interreligious and intercultural dialogue

The Church of the Assumption hosted an ASEAN delegation of Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue Training officials from Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, the Philippines, and Malaysia on November 12.

Nov 22, 2024

Fr Desmond Jansen sharing some insights on the Catholic church with the delegates.

Christopher Kushi

The Church of the Assumption hosted an ASEAN delegation of Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue Training officials from Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, the Philippines, and Malaysia on November 12. The visit aimed to provide participants with an opportunity to engage directly with religious diversity, promoting mutual respect and understanding.

Fr Desmond Jansen of City Parish provided a historical overview of the early Catholic community in Penang and the founding of the Assumption Church, the third oldest Catholic church in Malaysia, which dates back to 1861. He highlighted the various changes and restorations made to the present-day building, describing key features such as the altar, stained glass windows, church bell, pipe organ, and the old pews. The delegation also visited the Roman Catholic Penang Diocesan Museum, located next to the church.

In the spirit of engagement, the Indonesian delegate inquired about the intercultural aspects of the religious services, given Malaysia’s multiracial and multicultural community. Fr. Desmond responded that the Catholic Church embraces the inculturation of the faith, integrating cultural practices and values with the theology and teachings of the Gospel. He highlighted that the Church holds multilingual Masses and celebrates various cultural events, such as the Chinese Lunar New Year Thanksgiving Mass, the Tamil Pongal festival, and East Malaysian Hari Gawai and Pesta Kaamatan harvest festivals. For the migrant community, the Church also celebrates the Filipino Santo Niño Feast Day.

The visit was organised by the ASEAN Institute for Peace & Reconciliation (ASEAN-IPR) in collaboration with the King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz International Centre for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue (KAICIID). The attending officials, who play pivotal roles in shaping regional policy and fostering community engagement, are expected to bring valuable insights from this visit back to their respective countries. This experience will contribute significantly to promoting inclusivity, cultural awareness, and interfaith understanding across the ASEAN region.

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