Fr Ponnudurai, SJ passes away

Fr Antoni Ponnudurai, SJ of the Kingsmead Jesuit community in Singapore has passed away. He had been admitted to hospital after a heart attack on September 17, 2015 and returned to the Lord in the early morning of September 23, 2015. He was 83.

Oct 01, 2015

SINGAPORE (Herald Malaysia): Fr Antoni Ponnudurai, SJ of the Kingsmead Jesuit community in Singapore has passed away. He had been admitted to hospital after a heart attack on September 17, 2015 and returned to the Lord in the early morning of September 23, 2015. He was 83.

Fr Ponnudurai was born in Singapore on March 22, 1932. He was the eldest of five children. The family moved to India during his childhood years. However, he stayed on to complete his secondary schooling and at the end of which he entered the Madurai Province of the Society of Jesus on June 18, 1951. His formation to the priesthood climaxed with his ordination in India on March 19, 1964. He made his tertianship (the final phase of formation for Jesuits) in India and made his final profession as a Jesuit on August 15, 1970. During the course of his seminary formation, he was in France to complete his MSc in Astrophysics.

Fr Ponnudurai’s first posting was at Fort Louis, Mauritius from 1965 to 1975. He then served in Medan, Indonesia for a few months in 1976. From 1976 to 1988, he was sent to serve the Malaysian Tamil-speaking communities.

He served in the Kuala Lumpur Archdiocese at the Church of the Risen Christ from 1976-1980, covering also the Church of Christ the King in Selayang. He was then posted to the Church of Our Lady of Fatima from 1981-1988.

Due to the difficulty for priests and Religious to renew visas in Malaysia in the 1980s, Fr Ponnudurai left Malaysia to Singapore during that time and was duly invited to apply for Singapore citizenship as he was born in Singapore.

In 1990, Fr Ponnudurai was transcribed from Madurai Province where he had received his formation and ordination, to Macau-Hong Kong Province as a member of the Dependent Region of Malaysia-Singapore. He also served in a number of Jesuit offices, including being a member of the Consult of the Malaysia-Singapore Region, Regional Treasurer, and the Socius to the Novice Master.

He was appointed a team member of the then newly established Centre for Ignatian Spirituality and Counselling and helped with Masses both at the Jesuit parish Church of St Ignatius as well as at the Church of St Vincent de Paul. He was appointed Regional Superior of the Malaysia-Singapore Region of the Jesuits from 1992-1998.

Fr Ponnudurai continued to minister to the faithful at the Church of St Ignatius and gave talks, seminars and retreats on Ignatian Spirituality at the Centre for Ignatian Spirituality and Counselling.

Despite his failing health in recent years, Fr Ponnudurai continued to exercise his priestly ministry in Singapore and Malaysia, making regular trips to serve in parishes and as a team member of the Centre for Ignatian Spirituality and Counselling (CISC) in Singapore

He was admitted for surgery on Sept 17, 2015 to the National University Hospital, Singapore, due to a heart attack. Surrounded by family, friends and all those who loved him, he passed on to our Lord at 4.19am on Sept 23, 2015.

The wake was held at Ignatius Hall over three nights, beginning Sept 23. There were Masses in the Hall at 8.00pm every night.

The Funeral Mass was on Saturday, Sept 26 at 1.30pm at the Church of St Ignatius, Singapore, followed by cremation at the Mandai Crematorium. Archbishop William Goh presided at the Funeral Mass.

Sources: Chancery Notice (Singapore), Catholic News (Singapore) and Fr Ponnudurai’s family.

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