French cardinal admits mistakes in handling of abuse cases

A French cardinal said his diocese has made “some mistakes” in the management and nomination of certain priests amid allegations that he had covered up child sex abuse cases.

Apr 27, 2016

A French cardinal said his diocese has made “some mistakes” in the management and nomination of certain priests amid allegations that he had covered up child sex abuse cases.

Cardinal Philippe Barbarin stressed the “importance” for the victims “to see their right to truth and justice recognised” in a statement issued on Monday following a meeting on the issue with 220 priests from the Lyon region.

Cardinal Barbarin, the archbishop of Lyon and one of the highest-ranking church officials in France, is among six church officials targeted by complaints for not reporting child sex abuse cases to judicial authorities.

The French Catholic Church has decided this month to set up a new independent commission made up of secular experts in charge of advising bishops and helping them handle child sex abuses cases.--Catholic Herald

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