Go out into the world and make disciples of all people
on the 30 young adults who have answered the call to be missionary disciples of Jesus Christ,” were the words of Rt Rev. Sebastian Francis to us after we had gathered to sing the song Kau Juga Akan Jadi Saksi for the Sacrament of Confirmation, in the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Dec 18, 2014

By Allyson Chong Li Chenn
on the 30 young adults who have answered the call to be missionary disciples of Jesus Christ,” were the words of Rt Rev. Sebastian Francis to us after we had gathered to sing the song Kau Juga Akan Jadi Saksi for the Sacrament of Confirmation, in the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (NBVM). There was a concelebrated Eucharist with Rev Frs. Victor Louis (our parish priest) and Martin Arlando on 16 November.
The multilingual mass was facilitated by the confirmation candidate. In his homily, Bishop Sebastian Francis conveyed to all present that he had brought blessings and greetings from the Holy Father, Pope Francis, whom he had met recently in Rome. Then he continued to remind us that Sunday is the day of the Lord, the day to enjoy, celebrate, be happy and lepak with the family, together with the Lord. He urged us, confirmed Christians, that we have not only to love God and neighbour as ourselves but to fulfil Christ’s mandate “to go out into the world and make disciples of all people.” He reiterated that “to be missionary disciples, we need to cooperate with the Holy Spirit who will help us to bring the mission to completion. We need to ‘wake up’ and ‘share the Gospel of the Joy of Jesus Christ’. The sacraments are channels of grace to nourish us to share the compassion and joy of Jesus Christ with the world.”
The rite of confirmation took place after the homily. When our names were called, we stood up to be introduced to the Bishop. Then we renewed our Baptismal Promises followed by the praying over and laying on of hands which the bishop explained is a sign of discipleship. This practice is also used in the ordination of priests. The bishop and the priests prayed for the descent of the Holy Spirit upon us and His gifts of Wisdom, understanding, knowledge, fortitude, counsel, piety and fear of the Lord. Then we went up individually with our sponsors to be anointed with the chrism as the bishop said “...(N)..., be sealed with the Holy Spirit,” followed by “Peace be with you” as he tapped our cheeks. Many of us experienced happiness, gratitude and a sense of holiness as we were anointed.
After Holy Communion, all the confirmands, with lighted candles, presented a Thanksgiving hymn Christ Be Our Light. Then, we handed our lighted candles to our parents as a sign of our gratitude and love for their being a source of inspiration and support for our choice to be confirmed.
Strengthened and guided by the Holy Spirit, we are convinced that we are called, chosen and sent to live the Good News so as to bring hope and joy to all we meet. We are on a mission to bring Hope to the world wherever we may be, not only in our church but also in our school and neighbourhood, later in college and in our working place. We will strive to do so with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Source: (Confirmation Class 2014 NBVM)
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