Guidelines for altar servers and appropriate attire
Guidelines for altar servers and appropriate attire
Mar 01, 2024

Dear Editor,
At my church, there is a little boy (approximately 4 years old) who is an altar server. When I see the poor boy, I feel very sorry for him as this is a duty that is clearly beyond his comprehension. The adorable boy looks bored at best and tortured at worst. Other altar servers are distracted from their focus since they have to play the role of a babysitter to him. The congregation, along with the presiding priest also get distracted by his innocent awkwardness. This is not the boy's fault of course. Recently another little one has joined him.
What exactly are the guidelines regarding:
-- Age appropriateness — I thought you would need to have taken Holy Communion before enlisting as an altar server; -- Girls as altar servers — Do we need them when we have boys? Aren’t boys to be given priority?
-- Dress code for girls and changing space for them — if we allow girls to serve, then surely this aspect needs to be given proper attention.
In line with the above, with the advent of live Mass broadcasting, we also have a space in front of my church (at the corner, but visible to everyone) where technical support sits. Surely shorts and t-shirt is not the appropriate dress code for him?
Are there guidelines issued by the bishop regarding the above or are they purely the prerogative of the parish priest?
Mea culpa
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