Hike and Praise brings youth, nature and God together
The Youth Ministry of the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (SHC) organised an outdoor activity called Hike & Praise on May 13.
Jun 02, 2023
By Isabel Andrew
The Youth Ministry of the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (SHC) organised an outdoor activity called Hike & Praise on May 13. It was aimed at nurturing responsibility and love for Mother Nature among the parish youth. A total of 25 people aged 16 to 39 participated in climbing the hills of Taman Tugu.
The day commenced with an opening prayer by youth member Ben Choong before the members carpooled to Taman Tugu Hike Trails, located 15 minutes from SHC. There, they were grouped according to language.
All the teams navigated the serene trails of the hills while mingling with each other. The youth enjoyed a Saturday of healthy physical activities despite the strenuous one kilometre hike. Everyone learned each other’s names and shared stories along the way. Seminarian Brother Gabriel Puvan, who tagged along, praised the Lord while praying the Rosary with several youth.
Upon reaching the end of the trail, participants gathered for food and drinks prepared by the organising committee. The youth mingled with their new friends over snacks and light drinks.
The heat and pesky insect bites did not stop the troop from embarking on new unexplored trails in their groups. Some even embraced the challenge of lengthier treks. Accompanied by members of the organising committee, the participants returned to the rest area for more cool refreshments after traversing the 1.2 km and 1.5 km paths.
Back at the parish, the particispent time to reflect on their outing. Chantelle, a participant, enjoyed the hike saying, “It was an amazing experience. I became closer with my Form Five Catechism students; we talked so much along the way. I also made lots of new church friends. Hopefully, we can have more fun-filled activities like bowling or badminton over the weekends”.
This excitement was echoed by other participants who gave feedback in the form provided. Many found the Hike & Praise fun and friendly.
Benedict Charles, fondly known as ‘Uncle Ben’, wrapped up the day by pointing out that the ‘Praise’ part of the event was not just at the start or the end of the event. Instead, it could be felt all day long. He also said that Jesus is present at all times, especially when young people seek out opportunities to get to know Him better.
Overall, Hike & Praise was a successful endeavour as the Youth Ministry gained additional members and lifelong friends. The organisers would like to thank parish priest, Msgr Stanislaus Soosamariam, SHC parishioners, and everyone who helped make this event possible.
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