Holy Family Sapi Chapel has its first Youth Camp

The Holy Family Sapi Chapel held its first Youth Camp in December. The Chapel comes under the purview of St Martin Parish.

Feb 16, 2017

By Sam Edisius
The Holy Family Sapi Chapel held its first Youth Camp in December. The Chapel comes under the purview of St Martin Parish. Look! Your Faith has Saved You was the theme for the programme, taken from Luke 18:42. The Youth Camp received encouraging response, with 115 participants and 26 committee members.

One of the objectives of this programme was to boost their confidence/spirit in their faith. It was also a way to strengthen the bond with the youths from the seven Chapels around Jalan Nangoh zone. Organising chairperson, Freed Mejeh, said he was happy with the success of this programme which would not have succeeded without the contribution and commitment from everyone.

Catholic Local Community (CLC) President, Peter, who is also the Manager of Sapi Plantations, felt proud of the success of the programme which, besides creating history, had three successful aspects to it. The first was his organising the first ever Youth Camp in Holy Family Sapi Chapel. Secondly, this programme was held in Jalan Nangoh zone for the first time.

Last was the biggest and longest Rosary chain in the Diocese of Sandakan. The Rosary chain standing at 100 feet was built by the participants who also took part in the programme. It was also a remembrance of their first ever Youth Camp. Peter also expressed his hope that future Youth Camps will be held at St Peter Pamor Chapel.

Fr Jassery G. Emmanuel, Parish Priest of St Martin, Telupid, praised the organisers for their hard work and contribution which was also supported by Hasim Awang, Jalan Nangoh Zone Coordinator. All this hard work interprets how Jesus cared for his people. With the love of Jesus Christ, the bond with the community will grow stronger and every plan will bring success. He also reminds us to continue to be sturdy in our Catholic faith and be committed to work together for the people of Jalan Nangoh zone.

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