KL Archdiocese’s 2015 Lenten Campaign
The Lenten Campaign is a faith-based programme of the Church aimed at actively encouraging the faithful to be fully immersed in the three key practices of prayer (Mt. 6:6), fasting (Mt. 6:17) and almsgiving (Mt. 6:2) during the annual observance of Lent.
Feb 13, 2015

The Lenten Campaign is a faith-based programme of the Church aimed at actively encouraging the faithful to be fully immersed in the three key practices of prayer (Mt. 6:6), fasting (Mt. 6:17) and almsgiving (Mt. 6:2) during the annual observance of Lent. The desired result of these focused practices and efforts is renewal and transformation, as promoted by Romans 12:2.
In the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur, the Lenten Campaign programme, which is guided by, and based on, the social teachings of the Catholic Church, is conducted and organised by the Office for Human Development (AOHD).
For 2015, the main theme of the Lenten Campaign is RECOGNIZING CHRIST IN THE COMMUNITY, and the accompanying action focus is Practicing Integrity in Relationships. In order to facilitate active reflection on the Gospel readings of the six Sundays of Lent, weekly sub-themes (Believing the Good News, Preparing for Transformation, Drinking the Living Water, Living by the Truth, Yielding to New Life and Witnessing Without Fear or Favour) are also given in the Weekly Reflection table.
Beginning 2015, the Lenten Campaign will carry continuity themes for three years (2015-2017) instead of a stand-alone annual theme. For each of the three years, a key Gospel value will become the action focus.
The Lenten Campaign 2015 will be conducted in parishes, and also undertaken online for various participant groups such as Catechumens, Youth, Single Adults, Married Couples, Professionals, Senior Citizens and Migrant Groups.
Theme Rationale
The theme for Lenten Campaign 2015 is Recognizing Christ in the Community. Our relationship with the community must be based on the principle and belief that Christ is ‘present’ in the community, and is ‘represented’ by the community. In this way, our various relationships with the community — neighbourhood, BEC, colleagues, students, Church, public authorities, law enforcement agencies, people in public spaces, offices, etc. — become permeated with a ‘Christ-ian’ flavour and influenced by Christian ethics and morals.
We see and recognize Christ in the individual persons of the community, regardless of their political affiliation, ethnic background, religion, culture or socio-economic situation. We do not assess anyone in the community as either superior or inferior to us — we recognize them as equals, though they may have differing cultures, circumstances, occupations, needs and aspirations.
Action Focus
In line with the theme, the action focus for Lent 2015 is Practicing Integrity in Relationships. Integrity is a vital component that enriches and influences our relationships at personal, family, community and national levels. Integrity enables and renews our relationships to be based on Christian morality, honesty and truth.
This action focus highlights the need for fairness, accountability and transparency in our relationships with the various sectors and members of the community — even when faced with challenges, struggles and obstacles. Our integrity must not be traded or exchanged for convenience or reward — because our integrity is an integral part of our living Faith.
The theme and focus remind and assure us that practicing integrity in our relationships is easier and more meaningful when we recognize Christ in the community.
Lent is a conducive season to renew our belief that Christ is present in the community, and thus, we re-commit to practice integrity in our relationships in the six main areas of our lives: Personal, Family, BEC, Workplace or School, Community and Nation.
--For more information, please go to lentmy. files.wordpress.com
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