Love one another as God loves unconditionally

Twenty-two youths received the Sacrament of Confirmation at the Church of St Anthony on May 10. Archbishop Julian Leow confirmed them and presided at the 9.30am Mass with parish priest, Fr Terrance Thomas.

May 28, 2015

By Bernard Anthony
Twenty-two youths received the Sacrament of Confirmation at the Church of St Anthony on May 10. Archbishop Julian Leow confirmed them and presided at the 9.30am Mass with parish priest, Fr Terrance Thomas.

The prelate told the confirmands, “The Father will give you anything you ask in My (Jesus) Name. If we ask God for anything, He will give it to us. Do you believe that? Not convinced? The important thing is asking in Jesus’ Name.”

Archbishop Leow asked, “What does asking in Jesus’ Name mean?” Making a reference to the Gospel text (John 15: 9-17), he said, “Obey His Commandments. Love one another. Love as He has loved us.” Going further, Archbishop Leow emphasized that the love we see in the movies or read in novels, is the love of human-beings. God’s love is the sacrificial, unconditional and forgiving love of Jesus dying on the cross for us. To love like Him, we must love God because God is love. We are talking here of God’s love for us. His love doesn’t have favourites. Our human love is conditional — I love you, but not the other person. We hold grudges.

The prelate referred to the First Reading that reminds us that God's love is for all — all nationalities, those who fear Him and do what is right are acceptable to Him. “As followers of Jesus, we must love as God loves us, unconditionally. He has chosen us, commissioned us to go out to bear fruit that will last.”

The prelate also asked, “How do I know if what I do is right or wrong? All of us, especially the confirmands, must discern for the signs of the true Spirit.” He also called on the assembly to pray for the confirmands to strengthen their faith. Let us never forget that we are anchored to Jesus Christ, who is there for us at all times.

The prelate asked the confirmands to be discerning and said that prayer will help them. “By strengthening your faith with the Sacrament of Confirmation, you will walk the right path. Do not let others tell you that you are following the wrong (religion). Instead challenge them to trace their roots back to Jesus Christ who founded the True and Holy Catholic Church.”

After delivering his homily in English, the prelate also spoke in Bahasa Malaysia by asking the assembly,

“Why am I still a Catholic? Why is this faith so important to me? Be convincing when you are sharing your faith. People will either come into the Church or leave, by how convinced they are when you share your faith with them. Know what and why we believe and have your answers ready for people who ask about our faith. Take steps today to deepen your faith, by seeking the right answers from the right sources. Read and learn about the Catholic Faith.”

In ending, the prelate said that if we do not love, it means we do not love God, because God is love. To radiate His love to others think of the love of Jesus on the Cross.

During the Laying of hands, Archbishop Julian Leow, together with Fr Terrence, prayed over the confirmands, before anointing themwith the Oil of Chrism.

After Mass, Fr Terrance, in his speech, thanked God for choosing these 22 to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation and to the prelate for administering the sacrament. Fr Terrance also expressed his appreciation to the catechists, parents, and godparents who have journeyed with the Confirmands to this day. The Confirmands met with the prelate and posed for a group photo together with Fr Terrance.

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