Mini Youth Leaders’ Camp in preparation for YLC5

The Youth Leaders’ Camp (YLC) organised its annual Youth Apostolate Commission programme for the youth leaders in every parish and the Paitan Mission

Mar 02, 2017

SANDAKAN: The Youth Leaders’ Camp (YLC) organised its annual Youth Apostolate Commission programme for the youth leaders in every parish and the Paitan Mission. This mini YLC is usually held before the Youth Leaders’ Camp as an introduction to the programme.

This mini YLC pre-session is given to those who will be attending the actual programme March 8-12, 2017 to help them deepen their understanding and to achieve it’s objectives. These mini YLCs were held at the Holy Trinity Tawau parish Feb 3 and St Dominic, Lahad Datu Feb 4.

In Tawau, the Holy Trinity youths began the programme with “Time of Life” (sing-along) and ice-breaking. In Lahad Datu, the YLC-5 organising team conducted the opening programme with a sharing on the history of YLC, followed by a brief description of YLC-5. Part of the YLC programme was inspired by the movie MOANA which was shown to the participants to help them understand the essence of YLC-5.

After watching the movie, a “preexpectation check” was held to hear the views of the participants for the upcoming YLC5. During the sharing session, they were asked to give their comments on the movie, the challenges and obstacles facing YLC5 and their hopes for the future. After the discussion, two youth were invited to share their experiences with the rest of the group.

The YLC-5 organising team hopes that this Mini YLC will be helpful for the youths who will be attending YLC 5, to be be held in Sandakan.

The session ended with the song Here I am Lord, Send Me! and a closing prayer.

The next Mini YLC will be held on Feb 11 at Paitan, followed by Our Lady of Fatima Parish, Beluran on Feb 12. -- newsupdatedospo

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