MJD clergy committed to walking together in faith, hope and mission
The clergy of the Diocese of Malacca Johore convened for the Annual Clergy Discernment (ACD) 2024 at the MAJODI Centre November 19 to 21.
Dec 06, 2024
JOHOR BAHRU: The clergy of the Diocese of Malacca Johore convened for the Annual Clergy Discernment (ACD) 2024 at the MAJODI Centre November 19 to 21.
Guided by the theme Walking Together as Pilgrims of Hope, the ACD focused on discerning the diocesan pastoral thrust for 2025–2026. This vision, articulated by Bishop Bernard Paul, emphasises Fostering Communion, Deepening Participation, and Broadening Mission.
At the outset, Fr Alexuchelvam and Fr Dr Lawrence Ng oriented the clergy to the objectives of the ACD. They emphasised that the goal was not to produce more statements or actions, as the pastoral thrust already outlined these. Fr Alexuchelvam remarked that “discernment is the keyword, and the ACD is an opportunity to broaden and deepen our pastoral thrust while taking ownership of it.”
The pastoral thrust was encapsulated in the slogan:
Togetherness! (Communion)
Together! (Participation)
To Gather! (Mission)
The discernment during the ACD sought to build a diocese that reflects synodality and inclusivity while addressing contemporary challenges.
Guided by the Conversation in the Spirit method, the sessions fostered prayerful dialogue, active listening, and collective reflection. The atmosphere throughout was lively and hopeful, with clergy — priests and deacons alike — engaging meaningfully. Each session, moderated by clergy from the diocese, addressed specific aspects of the pastoral thrust to foster a sense of ownership among the participants.
Fr Dr Lawrence opened the discussions with an overview of the 2025-2026 pastoral thrust, emphasising the Church’s call to journey together as a community of faith. The clergy discerned how to embrace this call while addressing challenges that hinder unity and mission.
The second discernment, moderated by Fr Martinian Lee, focused on Fostering Communion: Walking and Working Together as Companions on the One Journey. Clergy reflected on their role in nurturing a spirit of fellowship and shared responsibility in parishes and diocesan structures. Ideas were shared on creating spaces where listening and mutual support can flourish.
The third discernment, Deepening Participation, was facilitated by Fr Cyril Mannayagam. This session explored how clergy could design structures for a more participative community, ensuring all voices — especially those of the laity — are heard in decision-making. Challenges and opportunities for fostering genuine collaboration in parish life were identified.
Fr Alexuchelvam led the session on Broadening Mission: Going Forth Together as Missionaries of Good Works and Good News. Discussions energised participants to lead their parishes as visible witnesses of Christ through acts of mercy, justice, and compassion. Clergy considered their role as missionaries, bringing the Gospel to their communities and society’s margins.
The final session, added at Bishop Bernard Paul’s request, addressed Inculturation and Evangelisation in the Malaysian Church. Moderated by Fr Dr Lawrence, this session explored how the universal Church could be authentically expressed in the Malaysian context. Discussions highlighted the importance of celebrating Malaysia’s cultural richness in liturgy and pastoral life while maintaining unity with the universal Church. Practical insights were shared on how inculturation can enhance evangelisation and make the Church’s mission more relevant to local realities.
The ACD concluded with a synthesis of the discernment, encapsulating the clergy’s shared commitment to walking together in faith, hope, and mission. The synthesis presented is as follows:
Malacca Johore Diocese Annual Clergy
Discernment 2024
Walking Together as Pilgrims of Hope
These are our responses from our discernment as clergy of Malacca Johore Diocese Discerning on our 2025-2026 pastoral thrust:
As pilgrims united by the same hope, the priest, as the necessary agent of change, must himself embody the Spirit of Communion, Participation and Mission so that he can create space for diversity, sustain communal discernment and promote shared responsibility.
These are what emerged from our discernment of Fostering Communion, Deepening Participation, and Broadening Mission:
Fostering Communion: Walking and Working Together as Companions on the One Journey
The priesthood is both, a calling to be and a sending to do. As a vocation of Christ’s presence amongst His people, the priest is both pastor and pasture who promotes and deepens the sheep’s freedom. As servants of Christ’s mission, he animates the Church and society through his presence and collaborates through his communion and participation with others.
Deepening Participation: Discerning and designing together structures for a participative community
Social activism is not the proper measure of our membership in the Church. Adhering to the core mission of Christ to save souls, we embrace our identity as a servant Church, and we affirm that, a relationship with Christ and faith in Him, is the ground for genuine participation in the life of the Church.
Broadening Mission: Going forth together as missionaries of good works and good news
The Church’s pastoral thrust and missionary spirit springs from a vital affirmation of our vocations as clergy, religious and laity. Authentic identity is central to the credible witnessing of the Gospel of Joy.
Finally, in our conversation of what it means to be a Catholic Church in Malaysia and of Malaysia, we reflect that:
Inculturation is the genuine expression, over time, of the lived reality of our diversity. It is a process, without force or pretence, that organically assimilates and celebrates our cultural richness. An authentic appreciation of our cultural roots enriches our Catholic faith.
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