New St Peter’s Catholic Church is ‘God’s wonderful Gift’

The iconic St Peter’s Catholic Church in Padungan that had social media abuzz with excitement over its impending opening finally gave the public, Christians and people of all faiths, what they had been waiting with anticipation to see.

Jan 21, 2025

Soft Opening of St Peter’s Catholic Church: Christmas Eve Midnight Mass, 25 December 2024. (Photo: Danison Manium)

By Ivy Chai
The iconic St Peter’s Catholic Church in Padungan that had social media abuzz with excitement over its impending opening finally gave the public, Christians and people of all faiths, what they had been waiting with anticipation to see. 

At midnight on Christmas Eve, the Church launched its soft opening with the first Mass to rejoice the Nativity of the Lord. It was livestreamed for all to view the magnificent interior of the Church. The exquisite stained-glass windows of the Church depict events of Jesus’ life and His ministry.

By 6.00 pm, people started gathering outside the Church compound although Church notices cited the door would only open at 10.00 pm for Christmas carols scheduled at 11.00 pm and Christmas Eve Mass at 12.00 am. With seats to accommodate only 1,000, it was reported there were more people outside the Church than inside.

Blessing of Church Door a symbol of God’s Welcome
Kuching Archbishop Simon Poh blessed the doors at the Church entrance with holy water and incense before proceeding to preside over the Christmas Midnight Mass that was concelebrated by Fr Vincent Chin the parish priest for St Peter’s, and Fr Galvin Ngumbang.

In his homily, Archbishop Simon invited everyone to “pray in solidarity with Pope Francis to welcome the birth of Jesus as we celebrate and enter Jubilee Year 2025.” (Pope Francis opened the Holy Door of St Peter’s Basilica to inaugurate the Jubilee of Hope 2025 on Christmas Eve).

Archbishop Simon felt the blessing of the new Church door symbolises a “welcoming God opening the door for each one of us to come in to experience his love, mercy and hope,” although the solemn dedication and consecration of St Peter’s Church will only take place on June 29 2025.

“God’s wonderful Gift”
Fr Vincent Chin, in his address to the congregation, expressed happiness to be in the Church, a Church he firmly believes is “God’s wonderful Gift.” He felt only God could have made what they have achieved throughout the progress of the Church “possible”. He promised to make the Church “a place of prayer, a place of blessing,” and to always trust in God.

After the blessing of the Christmas manger and final blessing to conclude the Mass, Archbishop Simon Poh on behalf of the Catholic Bishops of Malaysia, priests, religious and deacons, Archbishops Emeriti Peter Chung and John Ha, and Fr Vincent Chin and Fr Galvin Ngumbang, wished everyone a blessed Christmas filled with joy and peace.--Today's Catholic

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