Nun in Kandhamal: Crucified Christ compelled her to serve
Sister Prabhati Sual Singh took her vows together with six other sisters, joining the Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Annecy.
Jan 10, 2017

CUTTACK: "Christ crucified compels me to serve the mission," Sister Prabhati Sual Singh, 22, said. "My life belongs to Jesus. I am in his mission. his mission is my vision."
A native of the Indian state of Odisha (Orissa), scene of pogroms in 2008, she took her vows along with six other sisters.
They made their profession of faith last Thursday (5 January) and now belong to the congregation of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Annecy.
Some 25 priests, 40 nuns and 50 lay people, as well as relatives and friends of the sisters, attended the ceremony of consecration.
The new nun hails from St Joseph the Worker Parish in Godapur, Kandhamal district, which experienced the most violent anti-Christian persecution by Hindu radicals in Indian history in 2007 and 2008.
"I am now ready for the mission of Jesus Christ to plunge into with conviction and God's grace to work for the Church, and even suffer for him," Sister Prabhati said.
"Today is indeed a special and splendid day for all of us,” she added. “Our hearts rejoice with a new song to sing and praise God for the marvellous gift of our lives and all the little ups and downs that make it worth living and for the vocation to religious life we received.”
In fact, “The love of God and His graces and blessings gripped us powerfully despite of our many imperfections”.
The sister also thanked all the parents present for the occasion “who sowed the seed of faith in us and remained steadfast along with us in our journey towards Christ by supporting us with their prayers and sacrifices".
Speaking about her educators and teachers, she noted that they were always patient with them and helped them to be moulded into the family of God’s love and mission.
She concluded saying, “We will try to remain close to God, while we are busy with God's mission in our respective areas of apostolate.”--Asia News
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