Parish Pastoral Assembly in Terengganu

Reach- out to those have stopped coming to church was the punchline during the PPA.

Jan 14, 2016

DUNGUN: Reach- out to those have stopped coming to church was the punchline during the PPA.

Forty participants attended, with 33 of them Youths (mostly students from Sabah and Sarawak). Fr Clarence Dass, who led the PPA, expounded how the Church in Peninsular Malaysia has grown generally, and at the PMPC in terms of lay-participation.

Catholics in Terengganu are made up of  95 per cent Sabah/Sarawakian Youths.

Archbishop Julian Leow, in his closing  statement, said that the Church must continue reaching out to lapsed Catholics by building understanding through our presence and by being a blessing to one another, irrespective of  religion or race.

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