PMST members go on retreat in Penang

The Diocese of Penang hosted a retreat for 25 members of the Peninsular Malaysia Service Team (PMST) for Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR) at the Ste

Jul 13, 2018

By Cecilia Grace Pakiam
The Diocese of Penang hosted a retreat for 25 members of the Peninsular Malaysia Service Team (PMST) for Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR) at the Stella Maris Retreat Centre May 26-27 facilitated by Bishop Sebastian Francis and Andre Ong.

Bishop Sebastian began the session by highlighting the Vision of the Church by the Holy Spirit. He quoted extensively from Pope Francis’ Exhortation Joy of the Gospel.

Andre Ong, the Ecclesiastical Assistant of the Penang Diocese Service Team (PDST) of CCR presented three sessions on the first day beginning with “Armour Bearer”, followed by “God’s Call vs Narcissism” and lastly, “Work-Family-Ministry-Life Balance.” During the sessions, several pointers were given for reflection based on the leadership role each person holds within this ministry. “Who are we armour bearer for?” and “Who are our armour bearers?” were some of the interesting questions thrown to the participants to reflect upon.

The second day began with the Holy Trinity Mass celebrated by Bishop Sebastian. In his homily, Bishop emphasised on the two missions which uphold the Holy Trinity: the Father sent the Son on a mission, followed by the Father and Son sending the Holy Spirit on a mission. This was a great revelation which gave a clearer understanding to the participants on their commission given to them by the Church

Bishop Sebastian ended the retreat with a session on “Mission of the Holy Spirit,” explaining how the Holy Spirit reminds and helps us to understand and follow all that Jesus did in his mission.

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