Pope calls for "every effort to eradicate" "relentless disease", Ebola

Pope Francis has appealed for every "effort to eradicate" Ebola, "the relentless disease that is spreading especially on the African continent, especially among disadvantaged groups".

Oct 30, 2014

VATICAN CITY: Pope Francis has appealed for every "effort to eradicate" Ebola, "the relentless disease that is spreading especially on the African continent, especially among disadvantaged groups". "In the face of the worsening Ebola epidemic, I wish to express my deep concern about this relentless disease that is spreading especially in the African continent, above all among the most disadvantaged population.

The Holy Father expressed his closeness to all those suffering from Ebola, "as well as to the doctors, nurses, volunteers, religious institutes and associations, who are working heroically to help our brothers and sisters who are sick," and assured them of his affection and prayers. Pope Francis renewed his appeal "that the international community will make all necessary efforts to eradicate this virus, effectively relieving the hardships and sufferings of those who are so sorely tried," and invited everyone "to pray for them and for those who have lost their lives."

Pope Francis' appeal came at the end of a general audience, in which, by continuing his catechesis dedicated to the "body" of the Church, he said that "the Church is a mystery in which what is not seen is more important than what is seen". This, because just as in Christ, human nature serves the divine in accordance with the fulfillment of Salvation, so, in a similar way, does the visible reality serve the spiritual reality of the Church.

After touring among the 50 thousand people in St Peter's Square, Francis said that "1. First, when we speak of the visible reality of the Church we said there are two- the visible reality which we see and the spiritual one - we must not think only of the Pope, Bishops, priests and consecrated persons. The visible reality of the Church is made ??up of the many baptized brothers and sisters around the world who believe, hope and love. Often, we hear people say: the Church doesn't do this ...the Church doesn't do that!' 'Tell me who is the Church? - 'Well the Church is the priests, the bishops, the Pope ...'"

"We are all the Church! All of us all of us Baptized! We are the Church, the Church of Jesus- continued the Pope - Of all those who follow the Lord Jesus and, in His name, are close to the poor and the suffering, trying to offer some relief, comfort and peace. All of those who do these things, which the Lord sent us to do are the Church". Thus we understand that the visible reality of the Church cannot be measured, it cannot be known in all its fullness: how can one know of all the good that is done? So many acts of love, so much faithfulness in families, so much work in educating children, to carry on, to transmit the faith, so much suffering in the sick who offer their suffering to the Lord. We cannot measure this! It is so great, so great!" How can one know of all the wonderful things that, through us, Christ is able to operate in the hearts and lives of each person? You see: the reality of the visible Church goes beyond our control, beyond our strength, and it is a mysterious reality because it comes from God.

The Pope said "to understand the relationship, in the Church, between her visible and spiritual reality, there is no other way but to look to Christ, whose Body is the Church and from which the Church is generated, in an act of infinite love . Even in Christ, in fact, through the mystery of the Incarnation, we recognize a human nature and a divine nature, united in the same person in a wonderful and indissoluble way. This applies in a similar manner to the Church. Just as in Christ, human nature serves the divine in accordance with the fulfillment of Salvation, so, in a similar way, does the visible reality serve the spiritual reality of the Church. The Church, therefore, is also a mystery, in which what is not seen is more important than what is seen, and can only be recognized with the eyes of faith (cf. Const. Dogmatic Constitution. On the Church Lumen Gentium, 8).

Pope Francis continued: "In the case of the Church, however, we must ask ourselves: How can the visible reality can be at the service of the spiritual? Again, we can understand it by looking to Christ. But Christ is the model and the Church is His Body, He is the model for all Christians, all of us! Look to Christ, you can't go wrong!". The Gospel of Luke tells how Jesus came to Nazareth, where he grew up, went into the synagogue and read, referring to himself, the passage from the prophet Isaiah where it is written: "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free "(4,18-19). Look, how Christ used his humanity - because he was also a man - to announce and carry out God's plan of Redemption and Salvation, so it must be for the Church. Through its visible reality - everything we see - , the Sacraments and testimony - of all of us Christians - it is called every day to draw closer to every person, starting with the poor, those who suffer and those who are marginalized, in order to continue to help all feel the compassionate and merciful gaze of Jesus".

"Dear brothers and sisters, often as a Church we experience our fragility and our limitations, all of us, we all have them. We are all sinners, no one can say I am not a sinner. And this fragility, these limitations, these our sins, it is right that these should provoke in us a profound displeasure, especially when we give bad example and we realize we are becoming a source of scandal. How often have we heard, in our neighborhoods: "That person there is always in Church but gossips about everyone, denigrates others - what a bad example! This is not Christian! This is a bad example. So people say: 'If this is a Christian, I prefer to be an atheist! Because people go by our witness. Then, let us ask for the gift of faith, so that we can understand how, despite our smallness and our poverty, the Lord has ?? really made us means of grace and a visible sign of His love for all mankind. Yes, we can become a source of scandal but we can also be a source of hope through our lives our witness, just as Jesus wants!".

In greeting in Spanish, finally, the Pope spoke of the 43 Mexican students who disappeared on September 26 in Iguala, in the Southern State of Guerrero, burned alive by drug traffickers. "I would like to raise a prayer and draw close in our hearts to the people of Mexico, who are suffering from the loss of these students and many similar problems. May our hearts be close to them, in prayer at this time".--CNA

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