Pope calls for prophetic witness at Italy’s 1st Synodal Assembly
In a message to the participants of Italy’s First Synodal Assembly, Pope Francis urges the Church to embrace the “prophetic phase” of its Synodal journey, remaining open to the Holy Spirit, pursuing paths of communion, and living out the Gospel with joy and courage.
Nov 18, 2024

By Linda Bordoni
Pope Francis’ message, addressed to Italy’s First Synodal Assembly gathered at the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls from November 15 to 17, comes after three years of dialogue and discernment within the Synodal journey and the just concluded Synod on Synodality.
Prophetic phase
Reflecting on the significance of this moment, the Pope described the Assembly as “the first event marking the culmination of the Synodal journey,” and he noted that the Italian Church has now entered what it calls the “prophetic phase,” which involves, he explained, transforming the insights and discoveries of recent years into concrete, evangelical choices.
“Prophets live in the present, interpreting it with the gaze of faith, illuminated by the Word of God,” he said, urging participants to let their discussions lead to decisions that reflect the Gospel message.
“It is about transforming into Gospel-inspired choices and decisions what has been gathered over these years. And this is done in docility to the Spirit,” he said.
Synodality: A call to walk together and be open
In his message, the Holy Father reminded the assembly of three guiding principles he shared with Italian Church leaders during their last meeting in May: “to keep walking, to build the Church together, and to be an open Church.”
These principles, he explained, apply to every phase of the synodal journey, from the initial “narrative phase” through the current “prophetic phase,” and are essential to the Church’s mission in the world.
“This ‘ journeying together‘ with everyone, everyone, is a process in which the Church, in docility to the working of the Holy Spirit and sensitive to reading the signs of the times (Gaudium et Spes, 4), continually renews herself and perfects its sacramentality to be a credible witness to the mission to which she has been called,” he said, quoting from his own address to the Synod of Bishops on 2 October.
Thus, Pope Francis called on the Italian Church to “raise your sails to the wind of the Spirit,” allowing the Holy Spirit to guide its journey and decisions.
Drawing inspiration from Vatican II
The Holy Father reminded the assembly that St. Paul’s Basilica holds a special place in the Church’s recent history as it was here, on January 25, 1959, that St. John XXIII first announced the Second Vatican Council.
Recalling John XXIII’s vision, he said, “What is now required of the Church is to infuse the perennial, life-giving, divine energies of the Gospel into the veins of what is now the human community.”
And encouraging the Italian Church to look to the future, he reminded those present that the Church today is called to “bring the good news with joy” and meet the world with a “gaze of compassion” that understands people’s needs and hopes.
A Church of missionary disciples
The Pope’s message stressed the importance of discernment, courage, and missionary zeal as the Church goes forward, “making courageous choices, proclaiming the prophecy of the Gospel, and being missionary disciples.”
He encouraged the bishops to “continue on this path with fatherly and loving care,” and reminded them of the legacy of post-Vatican II ecclesial gatherings in Italy that have contributed to the Church’s journey over the decades.
A Vision for the Future
Pope Francis concluded with a call to hope and compassion, challenging the Italian Church to respond to society’s needs and to “prepare for the future, overcoming un-Christian attitudes such as hopelessness, victimization, fear, and closed-mindedness.”
“Continue to sow the seed of the Word on the land so that it may bear fruit,” he said before imparting his blessing and invoking the protection of Our Lady.--Vatican News
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