Pope: 'Christmas is not just a family celebration, it’s helping the suffering'

Greeting some children of Italy’s Catholic Action lay movement ahead of Christmas, Pope Francis urges them to spread the wonder of Jesus’ love for us every day by being close to the needy and those suffering war, especially other children.

Dec 23, 2024

Pope meeting children of Italy's Catholic Action (VATICAN MEDIA Divisione Foto)

By Lisa Zengarini
Some 80 children of Italy’s Catholic Action lay movement met Pope Francis in the Vatican on Friday to share their Christmas greetings.

Azione Cattolica Ragazzi (ACR), made up of youngsters between 4 and 14 years of age, is the children’s wing of Italian Catholic Action and was founded over a century ago for the spiritual and moral renewal of society through the education and formation of young people.

Addressing the children in the Consistory Hall, Pope Francis urged them  to spread the wonder of Jesus’ love for each and everyone  of us, through acts of solidarity to  the needy and the suffering, reminding them that our whole life ”is an extraordinary gift”.

He pointed to the theme of their formation this year, “Putting out into the deep water”, inspired by the episode of the Gospel in which Jesus calls four fishermen, Peter, James, John and Andrew, to follow Him and become “fishers of men”.

Being "fishers of men"
The Pope explained that being “fishers of men” does not imply coercing people, but rather inviting them into the joy of God’s love. “God does not want to ‘capture’ anyone because He respects our freedom,” , he said. “Instead, He offers His love and salvation to everyone, without asking for anything in return and without excluding anyone.”

Jesus, the Pope added, becomes a “fisher of men”, “by spreading the joy and wonder of His love.”

Every day of the year is special and we are all unique

Pope Francis then highlighted the sentiment of wonder evoked by Christmas: from the lights and songs to the Nativity scene, the season inspires a deep sense of joy and gratitude.

However, he remarked, this spirit of wonder should not be limited to the Christmas season, because “Our whole life is an extraordinary gift” to us in our uniqueness:  “Each one of us is unique, and every day is special”, the Pope said, citing the words of the soon-to-be saint Carlo Acutis who encouraged young people to be “original” rather than “photocopies,”  as many people influenced by the media are today.

More than a family celebration
Noting that “every year Christmas brings  new things to the soul and heart of each of us”,  he reminded the children that the celebration of Jesus’ birth is more than bringing the family together for a big meal: it’s a celebration rooted in “faith.”

The Pope, therefore encouraged the children of Azione Cattolica to learn to be amazed, “never taking anything for granted”, especially love: “God’s love and the love of the people we meet”.   

He urged them to spread this sense of wonder and joy throughout their communities and beyond. “In this way,” he said, “we spread happiness, trust, and consolation.”

“Let us spread our wonder everywhere: from house to house, parish to parish, city to city, nation to nation. In this way, we spread happiness, trust, and consolation.”

Being close to those suffering war, especially children

Pope Francis  commended the children for bringing  gifts for the needy, urging them not to forget and look out for  those in need to give them their “love, company and help “When you find needy people, look them in the eye and touch their hand when you give alms, with that closeness that only love gives”, he urged.

Concluding, he encouraged the children to continue to remain close, in prayer and charity, to those who suffer, especially “to so many children who are afflicted by hunger, war, or illness.” He mentioned in particular the children of Ukraine “who have forgotten how to smile” because of the “ugly war” in their country.

By bringing their closeness to the suffering and those in need, the Pope concluded,  “the song of the Angels: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will” (Lk 2:14).--Vatican news

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