Pope’s accepts questions from journalists
Pope’s accepts questions from journalists
May 19, 2017

Pope Francis: First of all, good evening. Thanks. And, I’d like to respond to the first of the possible questions, so we can do things a bit more quickly. I’m sorry when we’re at the halfway point and they come to tell me that it’s snack time… let’s do them all together. Thanks.
Fatima Campos Ferreira (Portuguese TV Radio): Holy Father, you came to Fatima as a pilgrim, to canonise Francisco and Jacinta in the year that the apparitions mark their 100th year. From this historical point of view, what is left now for the Church, for the entire world? Also, Fatima has a message of peace.
Pope Francis: Thanks. Fatima certainly has a message of peace. It’s brought to humanity by three great communicators that were less than 13 years old, which is interesting. Yes, I came as a pilgrim. The canonisation was something that wasn’t planned from the beginning, because the process of the miracles was in progress but, all of a sudden, the expert reports were all positive, and it was done — that’s how the story was told — for me it was a very great joy. What can the world expect? Peace. And what am I talking about from now on with whomever? Peace.
Ferreira: And what remains now of this historic moment for the Church?
Pope Francis: A message of peace. And, I’d like to say one thing … before disembarking I received scientists from all religions who were doing studies in the Vatican Observatory at Castel Gandolfo, including agnostics and atheists. And an atheist said to me, “I’m an atheist.” I won’t tell you from what ethnicity or place of origin he was — he spoke in English. And, at the end, he asked me, ‘I ask you a favour: tell the Christians that they should love their message of peace more.”
Aura Miguel (Radio Renascença): Your Holiness, in Fatima you presented yourself as the “bishop dressed in white.” Up to now, this expression applied rather to the vision of the third part of the secret, St John Paul II, the martyrs of the twentieth century. What does it mean now, your identification with this expression?
Pope Francis: The prayer that, I did not write it... the Fatima sanctuary wrote it... but also, I have tried because they said this, and there is a connection with the white. The bishop of white, Our Lady of white, the white glow of the innocence of children after Baptism and innocence... there is a connection to the color white in that prayer. I believe — because I did not write it — but I believe that, literally, they have tried to express with white that desire for innocence, for peace... innocence: to not hurt the other ... to not create conflict, the same.
Miguel: Is it a revision of the interpretation...
Pope Francis: No, but that vision ... I believe that then Cardinal Ratzinger, at that time prefect of the Doctrine of the Faith, explained everything clearly. Thank you. Claudio Lavanga (NBC News): Holy Father, yesterday you asked the faithful to break down all the walls, yet on May 24 you will meet a head of State who is threatening to build walls. It is a bit contradictory to your word, but he also has — it seems — opinions and decisions different from you in other topics, such as the need to act to confront global warming or the welcoming of migrants ... Thus, in light of this meeting: what is your opinion of the politics that President Trump has adopted so far on these topics and what do you expect from a meeting with a Head of State who seems to think and act contrary to you? Pope Francis: I never make a judgment of a person without listening to them. I believe that I should not do this. In our talk, things will come out, I will say what I think, he will say what he thinks, but I never, ever, want to make a judgment without hearing the person.
Claudio Lavanga: What you expect from a meeting with a head of state who thinks contrary to you?
Pope Francis: Always there are doors that are not closed. Look for the doors that are at least a little bit open, enter and talk about common things and go on. Step by step. Peace is handcrafted. It is made every day. Also friendship among people, mutual knowledge, esteem, is handcrafted. It’s made every day. Respect the other, say that which one thinks, but with respect, but walk together ... someone thinks of one way or the other, but say that .... Be very sincere with what everyone thinks, no? Claudio Lavanga: Do you hope to soften his decisions after the meeting? Pope Francis: This is a political calculation that I do not permit myself to make.
Elisabetta Piqué (La Nacion): Thanks first of all for this brief and very intense trip. We wanted to ask you, this is the centenary of the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima, but it is also the important anniversary of a fact of your life that took place 25 years ago, when the Nuncio (Archbishop) Calabresi told you that you would become the Auxiliary Bishop of Buenos Aires, something that meant the end of your exile in Cordoba and a great change in your life. Have you ever connected this fact that changed your life with Our Lady of Fatima? And in these days that you’ve prayed before her, have you thought about this and what did you think about? Can you tell us about that? Thanks.
Pope Francis: Women know everything, eh! No, I didn’t think about the coincidence, only yesterday while I was praying before Our Lady I realised that one May 13, I received the phone call from the nuncio 25 years ago. I don’t know… I said, well look at that. I spoke with Our Lady a little about this. I asked her forgiveness for all of my mistakes, also of a bit of bad taste for choosing people… but yesterday, I realised this
What about the apparitions at Medjugorje?
Mimmo Muolo (Avvenire): Earlier at Fatima, we saw a great witness of popular faith together with you. The same that is found, for example, also in other Marian shrines like Medjugorje. What do you think of those apparitions? If they were apparitions, and of the religious fervour they have aroused, seeing that you have decided to appoint a bishop delegate for the pastoral aspects? And if I can permit myself a second question, one that I know is very close to your heart, besides that of us Italians… I would like to know, the NGOs were accused of collusion with the boat traffickers of men. What do you think of this? Thanks.
Pope Francis: I’ll start with the first. I read in the papers that I peruse in the morning, that there was this problem, but I still don’t know what the details are and, because of this, I can’t give an opinion. I know there is an issue and the investigations are moving ahead. I hope that they continue ahead and that the whole truth comes out. Medjugorje, all the apparitions, or the presumed apparitions, belong to the private sphere, they aren’t part of the public, ordinary magisterium of the Church. Medjugorje. Medjugorje. A commission was formed, headed by Cardinal Ruini. Benedict XVI made it. I, at the end of 2013 the beginning of 2014, I received the result from Cardinal Ruini. It was commissioned by theologians, bishops, cardinals, but good. Very good. And the commission. The Ruini report was very, very good. Then there were some doubts in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and the Congregation judged it opportune to send each one of the members of this Feria quarta — (Editor’s note: Feria Quarta is a once-a-month meeting in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith during which current cases are examined) all the documentation, even those that seemed to be against the Ruini report. I received a notification — I remember it was a Saturday evening, late evening… and it didn’t seem right. It was like putting up for auction — excuse me the word — the Ruini report which was very well done. And Sunday morning, the prefect received a letter from me that said that instead of sending them to the Feria Quarta, they should send the opinions to me personally.
These opinions were studied and all of them underscore the density of the Ruini report. Principally, three things must be distinguished: the first apparitions, that they were kids. The report more or less says that it must continue to be studied. The apparitions, the presumed current apparitions: the report has its doubts. I personally am more nasty, I prefer the Madonna as Mother, our Mother, and not a woman who’s the head of a telegraphic office, who everyday sends a message at a particular hour. This is not the Mother of Jesus. And these presumed apparitions don’t have a lot of value. This I say as a personal opinion. But, it’s clear. Who thinks that the Madonna says, ‘come tomorrow at this time, and at such time I will say a message to that seer?’ No. The two apparitions are distinguished. The third, the core of the Ruini report, the spiritual fact, the pastoral fact. People go there and convert. People who encounter God, change their lives…but this…there is no magic wand there. And this spiritual and pastoral fact can’t be ignored. Now, to see things with all this information, with the answers that the theologians sent me, this good, good bishop was appointed because he has experience, to see the pastoral part, how it’s going. And at the end, he’ll say some words. -- CNA
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