PPA at Holy Spirit Cathedral

More than 200 leaders and parishioners of the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit (CHS) gathered on 9 Nov for the Parish Pastoral Assembly ,(PPA) to see what was in store for them in the coming year.

Nov 27, 2014

By Joseph Raj
More than 200 leaders and parishioners of the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit (CHS) gathered on 9 Nov for the Parish Pastoral Assembly ,(PPA) to see what was in store for them in the coming year.

The assembly started off with an introduction by Gordon Bryuns, Chairman of PAT (Parish Animating Team), followed by praise and worship. Pedro Geronimo, the PPC Chairman, in his welcoming address highlighted the many important events and formation programmess that made the last year fruitful. However, Pedro lamented that there was a high percentage of Sunday Catholics who were too busy to avail themselves of those events and programmes. They need our support and outreach.

After that Msgr Bernard Paul conducted a discernment session — a time to listen to what God was saying. The participants, who were seated in groups, read the Gospel passage from John 21: 1 -19 and meditated on the Word of God to see how He was directing their thoughts and actions in the various ministries for the coming year. Each group had their own discernment exercise.

Overall summary of the discernment exercise:

• Word of God for Parish — Do you love me? Feed the lamb …with love. God’s love is unconditional — follow Him. Evangelise by spreading the Word of God.
• Implications of message — a need to be prayerful and fearlessly go beyond the current spheres and activities, bringing the message to all.
• Areas of concern — a need to be equipped with knowledge and spirit to look for the lost sheep. The youth are straying and becoming slaves of materialism. There is a lack of parish community involvement, commitment and participation.
• Proposed action — to reach out to family members who are in need. More interaction among parishioners is necessary.
• Possible statement — to follow Christ’s direction. His Word should be translated into action — standing for God, casting nets and looking after his sheep.

An overview of the events during 2014 was presented by Gordon. Then, Tan Swan Teck, from the Parish Finance Committee, presented the Parish Financial Report for the period 1 January to September 31, 2014. The accounts were in order. Thus, the Parish was able to take on three major projects.

Gordon gave a detailed account of the projects. The first one is the solar power harvesting project which is expected to be installed and commissioned by December 2014.

The second is the proposed three-storey annex to the multi-purpose complex. That would add six more class rooms, a new kitchen and cafeteria on the ground floor.

The priest’s residence and halls would also see major changes, making up the third project. The current single storey building would be demolished to make way for a two-storey complex to house prayer rooms, boarding rooms, hall, library and toilets.

Meanwhile, the church building would be given a new coat of paint. All the building projects were planned to be completed by Pentecost Day, 2017.

Msgr Bernard then outlined the six ways by which funding would be sought for all the projects. He briefed the assembly on the priorities for the coming year at the parish level, community level, BEC level, ministry level, including, development priorities. The events for 2015 are in line with the mission statement, starting with the transforming of self, then going on to transforming family and finally transforming humanity.

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