The Family Life Ministry (FLM) of Holy Trinity Parish Tawau made another effort to reach out to the outstation chapel to share their faith experience on family spirituality.

Apr 29, 2015

TAWAU: The Family Life Ministry (FLM) of Holy Trinity Parish Tawau made another effort to reach out to the outstation chapel to share their faith experience on family spirituality. Mario Domingo, the chairperson of the FLM, led a seven-member team to St. Stephen Tass on Sunday, 19 April 2015 to conduct a 2-hour talk on family issues.

The 2-hour event was attended by some 100 parishioners of St. Stephen Tass, comprising parents and youths.

The talk began at 1.30 pm and ended at 3.30 pm covering two topics;

--Who am I created for by Julita Kantod
--Boys and Girls relationship by Jocelyn R. Angar

Participants were inspired by both topics, especially on how to sustain their faithfulness to God and to keep their dignity as God’s chosen people. Participants were touched by God’s unconditional love; though many times we deny our dignity just to accommodate our human desire.

The formation session was an awareness awakening to every participant to continue protecting the Church from any negative impact. The mind of the young, and also married couples, must be cultivated and nurtured so that in Him we may lead a life of righteousness. We are to glorify God, to bring Him honour through what we think, say and how we act.

Parents and youth were also exposed to the healthy relationship between boys and girls, especially teenagers and youths who are still in school. All were exhorted to abide by the teaching of the Church on the sacredness of marriage and to deny cohabitation.

Human dignity reflects the history of human creation according to God’s own likeness and image. It is our responsibility to uphold these values and dignity by building relationships with God, sharing the beautiful experiences and spiritual knowledge with others.

The session ended at 3.30 pm with a closing prayer and a vote of thanks from the organizer, followed by a fellowship. --Julita Kantod, Family Life Ministry

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