Report: Mother Teresa to be canonised in September 2016

Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta will be canonised on Sunday September 5 .

Nov 19, 2015

ITALY: Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta will be canonised on Sunday September 5 according to the news agency, Agi.

September 5 falls within the Year of Mercy and also marks the anniversary of Mother Teresa’s death.

In further detail, the Catholic News Service has reported that a panel of doctors have concluded that there is no natural medical explanation for the miracle attributed to Mother Teresa’s intercession.

This means that her cause will now be examined by a panel of theologians before being assessed and voted upon by a panel of cardinals who will pass on their conclusions to the Pope.

The Vatican has not yet confirmed the report released by Agi.

In May earlier this year, despite reports in the Italian press that Blessed Teresa of Calcutta’s canonisation would take place on September 4, 2016, a Vatican spokesman said the the date was hypothetical and could not be confirmed.

Brazilian Fr Elmiran Ferreira Santo, prompted the Vatican’s investigation into Mother Teresa’s cause, when one of his female parishioners had prayed for the intercession of Mother Teresa to cure her husband who had been diagnosed with several brain tumours.

Father Santos said that the patient subsequently improved, was taken out of the intensive care unit and, within two days, was given a clean bill of health and discharged.

“When a complete recovery of his health was seen and the doctors could not explain how, I understood that Blessed Mother Teresa had helped,” said Father Santos.

He said he reported the case to the sisters, who in turn told their superior.

The news spread and eventually he received a telephone call in mid-June 2015 from a friend in Rome telling him that the Vatican was looking at a possible miracle attributed to Mother Teresa and that two Vatican representatives would be flying to Brazil in a week’s time to look at the evidence.--Catholic Herald

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