Sealed with the Holy Spirit

Twenty-three young men and women (from the Form five class) along with six other RCIA candidates were confirmed at St.John’s Cathedral on May 17.

Jun 05, 2014

KUALA LUMPUR (Herald Malaysia): Twenty-three young men and women (from the Form five class) along with six other RCIA candidates were confirmed at St.John’s Cathedral on May 17. Prior to the Sacrament of Confirmation, the candidates attended a weekend retreat at Champagnant Youth Centre, Port Dickson facilitated by the Alpha Group from Our Lady of Lourdes, Klang.

The Mass, celebrated by Archbishop Emeritus Murphy Pakiam and concelebrated by Fr William Michael saw the candidates who were dressed in white – to symbolize holiness – receive the sacrament of Confirmation.

“Be sealed with the Holy Spirit,” said the Archbishop as he made the sign of the cross on the foreheads of the candidates with chrism oil.

At the end of Mass, the newly-confirmed attended a photography session along with the Archbishop and Fr William before gathering for a fellowship at the Old Parish Hall. The fellowship saw the newly- confirmed receive their certificates and a specially baked cake.

The Form five students were in high spirits and were in a good mood for celebrations.

“I’m really grateful and thankful to everyone who has helped me on my journey towards Confirmation,” said Eve Chan Xin Hui, 17, adding that she also felt blessed to have such wonderful friends who supported and guided her throughout her journey.

17-year-old candidate, Haery Alexander also expressed his joy of being confirmed. Excited and full of the spirit, he promptly exclaimed, “Don’t forget to pray to the Lord our God.”

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