SFA holds Pink Ribbon service
The Church of St Francis of Assisi (SFA), in line with Breast Cancer Awareness month, had a Pink Ribbon Service on Oct 23 to remember those who had lost their battle with breast cancer and also to recognize those who had made it through.
Nov 13, 2015

By Pauline Kuan
The Church of St Francis of Assisi (SFA), in line with Breast Cancer Awareness month, had a Pink Ribbon Service on Oct 23 to remember those who had lost their battle with breast cancer and also to recognize those who had made it through.
Parishioners came with their families and friends, many dressed in pink to show their support for all women who are going through this ordeal. Everyone was given a pink ribbon to be pinned to their attire — the pink ribbon salutes the thousands of women who are diagnosed with breast cancer each year.
In his homily, Parish Priest, Fr. Andrew Manickam OFM Cap said, “Every year, the month of October is dedicated to two events — the Rosary and Mission Month. However, this year, though not a liturgical celebration, the Church has decided to have this special Mass to remember all breast cancer victims and their families.” He added, “In life, when everything fails, especially when one is faced with an ailment or sickness, faith is important to keep each and everyone together.”
During the Mass, the parishioners were asked to reflect and pray for the sick, es pecially those with breast cancer. In his prayers, Fr Andrew sought healing for the patients, comfort and peace for the families. This was followed with the praying over and blessing with the oil for anointing. Many, not only those with cancer, but even those who needed God’s healing touch, came forward for the anointing with the Holy Oil, for healing of the body and soul.
At the end of the Mass, everyone was reminded of their duty, as a caring Christian, to continue to pray for all cancer patients and their families.
On Sunday, October 25, a talk on Breast Cancer Awareness & Prevention was organized. The guest speaker was Dr Harjit Kaur, a Consultant Breast & Endocrine Surgeon, Prince Court Medical Centre and Gleneagles Kuala Lumpur.
The turn-up for the talk was encouraging and was complimented by Dr Harjit, “....it is great to see a good mix of women and men here today. Men play an important role in the management of breast cancer, breast cancer can happen to men too.”
The audience was informed that the month of October is dedicated to Breast Cancer Awareness as a platform to motivate women. It is important for everyone to be aware that Breast Cancer is the No.1 killer, worldwide, and sadly, there is no cure at the moment. “Breast Cancer chooses you. You do not choose Breast Cancer,” added Dr Harjit.
Various topics were covered, from the risks to the awareness aspects, as well as risk reductions. Many amongst the audience were surprised at how little they know about Breast Cancer and were very glad that they had decided to attend the talk which was short, but definitely informative.
At the end of the talk, no one went home empty handed….each and every one went home with a “bag” of leaflets full of information on Breast Cancer and its Prevention.
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