Sharings from our WYD pilgrims..
Sharings from our WYD pilgrims..
Aug 11, 2016
Here is some Sharings from our WYD pilgrims..
“I am very blessed that I was able to participate in WYD 2016. It has left a mark in my life. During the DID in Przemsyl, I learnt from the Polish their history, their struggles and suffering that they had to endure to hold on to their faith and culture. I was amazed at how rooted their faith is connected to their daily lives.
I was also amazed by our Church leaders who accompanied us. Seeing the bishops, priests and lay-leaders, throughout the WYD, participating in all the programmes, including sleeping at the Campus of Mercy, really overwhelmed me. I salute our dear Archbishop Julian Leow, who was always there with his smile and encouragement!
Being in the midst of 1.6 million people during the vigil with Pope Francis was another awesome experience. Imagine 1.6 million people holding candles, kneeling and praying silently, focusing our gaze on Jesus and the beautiful colours of the sky as the! I am still holding on to that feeling!
But what struck me the most is the challenge that Pope Francis gave to the youths in his homily. He challenged us to get up from our couch/sofa, to leave our mark in history and to never let others determine our future! --Christine S. Kinsik
Dzien dobry! As I am on my way to Oswiecim I am reflecting on what’s coming to my 10 days in Poland. World Youth Day was amazing. The people, the sights and experiences, not to mention the learning has surely made me a lot richer. I am gonna miss this beautiful city of Kraków and will surely be back one day! -- Gary Conrad Liew
“Being involved in the recent WYD 2016 has changed me completely — spiritually, physically, emotionally and mentally. Spiritually: bent down on one knee and received holy communion. Physically: I slimmed down lot and I was pale, walking kilometres from one end to another end, dehydrated, emotional in the sense of losing the few friends whom I evangelised. On the whole I found WYD 2016 very well organized. Meeting Pope Francis for the second time in person brought humility, wisdom and motivation to Go Forth involved in SSVP feeding the poor, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and giving free education to the poor. Looking forward for more mission calling. Thanks Be to God. -- Angeline Lee, volunteer from Malaysia. #ICE2016 #WYD2016 #MISSIONWORKOFMERCY2016
“During the Days in Diocese (DID) in Bielsko- Zywiec, we wore our traditional clothes and participated at Mass with the locals. We gathered together with pilgrims from many countries: France, Italy, Portugal, Germany, Slovakia, Colombia, Romania and more. It was good to meet and share with them.” -- Josephine Magdalyn Tan
“After 17 days in Poland, I am blessed by how friendly and accepting the Polish people are despite the difficulty in communicating in English. I was able to meet Pope Francis and joined with 1.6 million pilgrims who attended World Youth Day 2016 in Krakow. -- Calvin Ohsey
“World Youth Day was a faith renewal and affirmation programme for me.
When we participated in the Days in Diocese, four of us had the privilege of staying with nuns. We were warmly welcomed. During our stay, we were served with great hospitality. They prepared dishes — home made cakes, drinks, and not forgetting, sausages and cheese. They were extremely caring towards us. During the days when we had no time to have our lunch, the nuns packed a bag of sandwiches for each of us and stood in the freezing weather to pass the food to us and give us warm and tight hugs.
We faced communication difficulties as they didn’t speak and understand English, but, by God’s grace, we had Internet access and the google translator became our channel of communication and helped us to understand each other better. The nuns were very concerned and interested to find out more about the challenges that we, Christians, face in our country. When our stay with them came to an end and we were about to leave, the families, seminarians, nuns and priest stood on the road cheering and waving to bid us farewell. That touching moment brought tears of joy and thanksgiving as we moved on to Krakow for our next programme, the World Youth Day. -- Luke Lee
For me, the event had fulfilled its objective, “Blessed are the merciful: they shall have mercy” through the programmess and catechesis.
Besides that, Pope Francis also has inspired the youth to rise up and continue to serve the Lord despite the challenges of today’s world, tirelessly and couragously to practice mercy in their hearts and deeds.
Indeed the challenges we face in life is the Cross we have to carry as the followers of Christ. -- Roney Alfred Eming
WYD has portrayed and conveyed to youth around the world how great and infinite is the mercy of God in our lives. Through their testimonies, many youth are struggling with various issues and conflicts such as war, terrorism, poverty and more. Despite these adversities, they remain edified by hope and faith that God never leaves us alone and that He loves us. WYD also tells us, as participants, that the love of God is great, He never gives up calling us to return to His love so that we can bear witness to a living faith shared by the whole world. -- Sr Julita Joseph FSIC
WYD Krakow is truly a fruitful and unforgettable experience. One of the highlights of WYD for me were the adorations, especially during the ‘night of mercy’. It was amazing to be able to worship God with thousands of other people and I truly felt Jesus moving in the room. It was also great to be able to meet people from various countries coming together for the same purpose. God showed me the meaning of mercy through the people I have encountered throughout this pilgrimage. This WYD has taught me to step out of my comfort zone and not to be afraid to take risks and spread God’s mercy to the people around me. -- Charlene Liew
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